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Apache / Re: Domain Addons
« on: December 23, 2023, 07:05:37 PM » redirect to .cf because of the software package you are using on that account. Much like wordpress, it will redirect all requests to the domain set in the backend. So no matter what domain name used to access the site, will always end up with in the address bar.
E-Mail / Re: Issues with "ALL" Gmail
« on: December 22, 2023, 07:59:33 PM »
If your password contains special characters, at lot of PHP mail programs will screw up the password.
E-Mail / Re: Issues with "ALL" Gmail
« on: December 22, 2023, 05:59:33 AM »
If it's running, then everything is good. You must have fixed the reason it failed.
E-Mail / Re: Issues with "ALL" Gmail
« on: December 22, 2023, 05:20:52 AM »
does " systemctl status named " show that it is running?
E-Mail / Re: Issues with "ALL" Gmail
« on: December 22, 2023, 04:18:01 AM »
post the log from
journalctl -xe -u named
journalctl -xe -u named
E-Mail / Re: Issues with "ALL" Gmail
« on: December 21, 2023, 07:40:30 PM »
Bind can be configured several way. The way it is configured for CWP is to be an Authoritive server, which means it will only respond to request for domains it holds, when requested from the outside world. I would not be concerned about opening UDP 53 for this purpose.
CentOS 7 Problems / Re: problem with migration from cpanel to cwp
« on: December 21, 2023, 11:45:53 AM »38
E-Mail / Re: Issues with "ALL" Gmail
« on: December 21, 2023, 06:49:11 AM »
On that note, I certainly wouldn't use a free domain I don't own for a production server. Go register a .com to be your main domain and setup nameservers with a reputable company where you OWN your domain name.
E-Mail / Re: Issues with "ALL" Gmail
« on: December 21, 2023, 06:26:41 AM »
Just a side note Mate. You might want to transfer your domain away from Freenom before you lose it. They were sued by META in March, and won't be able to renew it when that time comes.
E-Mail / Re: Issues with "ALL" Gmail
« on: December 21, 2023, 06:18:16 AM »
If a video I just watched, you can register ns1 and ns2 for your domain name by clicking on Management Tools -> Register Glue records
add ns1 -> Your server IP
add ns2 -> Your Server IP
Next go to your domain. Change the nameserver to and
Finally. In CWP Root. Goto DNS Functions -> Edit Nameserver IPS
Change those to NS1 and NS2 of the domain you just did in freenom, and don't forget to change the IP's to your servers IP As well.
Once your main domain resolves, you can safely change the nameservers of every other domain hosted on your server
add ns1 -> Your server IP
add ns2 -> Your Server IP
Next go to your domain. Change the nameserver to and
Finally. In CWP Root. Goto DNS Functions -> Edit Nameserver IPS
Change those to NS1 and NS2 of the domain you just did in freenom, and don't forget to change the IP's to your servers IP As well.
Once your main domain resolves, you can safely change the nameservers of every other domain hosted on your server
E-Mail / Re: Issues with "ALL" Gmail
« on: December 21, 2023, 06:05:07 AM »
Your best bet would be to setup private nameservers Freenom unfortunately doesn't have any help articles on how to do it, and I have never used them. But if you go to the domain, and select nameservers, there should be an option for "Private Nameservers" where you can put both and with your servers IP. Then set any domain you host to ns1.mydomain, as their nameservers as well.
E-Mail / Re: Issues with "ALL" Gmail
« on: December 21, 2023, 04:29:57 AM »
I grabbed from the original post.
Results from dig TXT resulted in NO text records
Shows NO dkim records.
After doing some other investigation, you are not using your CWP for your DNS nameservers. Therefor you would need to copy the SPF and DKIM records over to your nameservers in order for anything to work. If you want everything to work automatically, you would need to use your CWP as your primary nameserver and setup a secondary that receives updates from your CWP.
Results from dig TXT resulted in NO text records
Shows NO dkim records.
After doing some other investigation, you are not using your CWP for your DNS nameservers. Therefor you would need to copy the SPF and DKIM records over to your nameservers in order for anything to work. If you want everything to work automatically, you would need to use your CWP as your primary nameserver and setup a secondary that receives updates from your CWP.
E-Mail / Re: Issues with "ALL" Gmail
« on: December 21, 2023, 04:18:12 AM »
Post one of your domains that's having trouble.
E-Mail / Re: Issues with "ALL" Gmail
« on: December 21, 2023, 04:09:30 AM »
Check the box to enable for all new accounts.
Check the box to enable for all new accounts.
E-Mail / Re: Issues with "ALL" Gmail
« on: December 21, 2023, 04:08:38 AM »
SPF and DKIM are part of CWP, but you have to configure it.