Author Topic: Change Softaculous License  (Read 13329 times)

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Change Softaculous License
« on: March 10, 2017, 12:04:28 AM »
I had activated the free one month license. Had forgot that got two lifetime license and need to change the license code.

Uninstalling and reinstalling does not remove free trial.

Contacted Softaculous and they said never heard of CWP and would need to obtain support here...

How do I change the license key / IP?

Re: Change Softaculous License
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2017, 09:29:27 AM »
Did you change the IP-adress in your softalicious client area to the one of your vps /server?
I remember with me it all went automatic once i added the correct IP-adres for my vps in the client area of softalicious

if not , in the left menu of cwp , click on softalicious link  and you should see the details and be able to change the license there

hope this helps for you

Re: Change Softaculous License
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2017, 05:39:06 PM »
Thanks for tips @jurrieh!

Think I have tracked the issue down. Since my lifetime license is from and I have already activated the free trial inside CWP, have to wait until trial expires. Their system shows already activated on VPS IP.

Told that I can then reset things after expire. Hope that is a fact and in 18 more days will find out:)

Thanks again.