Author Topic: Softaculous problem  (Read 12954 times)

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Softaculous problem
« on: February 13, 2016, 12:02:57 PM »

I have installed CWP on my VPS and got the quotas done all working good at the moment.

Have installed  Softaculous and got my months free premium.

Can get the  Softaculous panel up but I can not get the user panel to come up so can not get any of the installations APPS to show.

Would like to install wordpress on my main Host domain name and then on other domains, I have read in this forum that you can launch the users panel for CWP but can not find how. In  Softaculous Webzo main admin panel you can go to the user panel through the admin panel. But you can not do it through the  Softaculous Admin panel.   :(

Any one managed to do this or admin able to help
Thank You   :)

Re: Softaculous problem
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2016, 06:49:38 PM »
Hi All,

Now sorted should have thought about it more, simple things always take longer

Thank you  ;D