When I run a SSL check on the hostname: cwp02.ht.inf.br
On 1 test I get:
None of the common names in the certificate match the name that was entered (cwp02.ht.inf.br). You may receive an error when accessing this site in a web browser. Learn more about name mismatch errors.
The certificate comes back to abaelevadores.com.br
So there is clearly a misconfiguration with the hostname, the hostname should be only going to 1 IP address, the base IP.
You have it going to 2 different IP's for some reason. & .200.
That is not the correct way to setup the hostname IP.
The correct way to setup the hostname, would create the subdomain, like you did, point it to 1 IP, which will be your servers base IP.
Create the rDNS at the upstream, and then create the hostname SSL.
Now if you want to do 2 DNS servers, and example would be:
of course you couldn't create a rDNS for .199, since it's already pointing to the hostname. But that is a minor issue, that really shouldn't affect anything.
From the looks of it, .200 is your base IP, and you have .199 setup as your shared IP.
If that is so, remove the DNS & rDNS entries for cwp02.ht.inf.br that points to .199, and do the certificates over.
You will also have to look at how your host file is setup.