I have created a new account with a domain name. While i was doing that left the field untick "AutoSSL: Domain must be pointed to the server". thought I will configure after my website setup. Later I created ssl using AutoSSL in SSL Certificates manager.
Everything was fine. I didnt check for the alias.
But when I was creating .htaccess file for website then I noticed that SSL was not installed for www.
Then I checked the forum.And found that www was not pointing to the server IP in A record. Deleted the CNAME for www and created the A record. And tried to re-create the SSl via AutoSSl. But same thing happened.
SSL is not installed for www.
What is the solution?Also I have a Comodo dv SSl for
www.example.com & example.com.
But while generating CSR there is no instruction where to put aliases, so that CSR can be generated for
www.example.com & example.com.
Any help guys?