Author Topic: AutoSSL Renew of LetsEncrypt: "A certificate for this domain already exists"  (Read 14133 times)

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Hi all,

Sorry if this has already been answered, I searched through many posts, but couldn't find a resolution to this particular issue.

Issue: I tried to "Renew" my LE SSL, it said it successfully updated, but it did not (site still had expired SSL).

Steps taken:
  • I deleted the LE certs from the Module SSL Certificate page
  • Tried to use AutoSSL to add new LE SSL, it responded "A certificate for this domain already exists"
  •   Tried renaming / remove the .pem files from the LE directory, caused Apache to fail to load.
  •   Searched this forum and others for an answer  :-\

Any help that could be provided would be very useful

« Last Edit: May 23, 2018, 07:50:19 PM by cali_sushi »

Lets encrypt has been removed from the CWP gui.  No one gave us any notice.  Now what are we supposed to do?

After removing your ssl, the name of your domain appears here


I am facing the same error upon installing new LE SSL for a domain.

your server is in nginx?

your server is in nginx?

Apache. Contact CWP team is denying the fact and refused to help in this regard. :(

Hey guys. just wanted to share. i just got it to work just now.

here is what i do:

  • go to AutoSSL (FREE) tab
  • select the desired username
  • then you see the error right? keep calm. and inspect element on the select input and edit as html
  • you will now edit the html using your domain name in the value of the select
  • then inspect element on the button as well. remove class disabled and remove attribute disabled="disabled" using your inspect element edit as html

so, pretty much working actually. its just a minor bug on the ajax of the cwp panel. LE itself works.

inspect element. edit the html directly like this:

for the button. remove the disabled attribute and class

yeah. i do this and the ssl installed perfectly.

hope this helps!  ;)

DISCLAIMER: this is for domain without any ssl only
« Last Edit: May 24, 2018, 04:19:35 PM by hamizulfaiz »

Update CWP and try again, I think everything is resolved

you can report all issues at cwp contact so this issues could be investigated by cwp developers
VPS & Dedicated server provider with included FREE Managed support for CWP.

*** Don't allow that your server or website is down, choose hosting provider with included expert managed support for your CWP.

Same problem her, when removing cert from

/etc/pki/tls/certs/yourdomain.tld.csr (generate with SSL generator)
/etc/pki/tls/private/yourdomain.tld.key (generate with SSL generator)
/etc/pki/tls/certs/yourdomain.tld.crt (by your SSL dealer, the web server certificate inside, you adapt)
/etc/pki/tls/certs/yourdomain.tld.bundle (by your SSL dealer, the CA intermediate inside, you adapt)
a symbolic link /etc/pki/tls/certs/yourdomain.tld.cert pointing on yourdomai.tld.crt

I cant remove it, get the error and  I cant install the cert once again, it stores some were else some info....

Valid that the name of the domain is not in this file
Code: [Select]


Hey guys. just wanted to share. i just got it to work just now.

here is what i do:

  • go to AutoSSL (FREE) tab
  • select the desired username
  • then you see the error right? keep calm. and inspect element on the select input and edit as html
  • you will now edit the html using your domain name in the value of the select
  • then inspect element on the button as well. remove class disabled and remove attribute disabled="disabled" using your inspect element edit as html

so, pretty much working actually. its just a minor bug on the ajax of the cwp panel. LE itself works.

inspect element. edit the html directly like this:

for the button. remove the disabled attribute and class

yeah. i do this and the ssl installed perfectly.

hope this helps!  ;)

DISCLAIMER: this is for domain without any ssl only
