Did you have server hostname mentioned in Let's Encrypt Config file /usr/local/cwpsrv/conf/cwpsrv.conf 
# months ago this server started with CentOs7 and newest cwp - adding the hostname perfectly created the ssl cert.
A few days ago the SSL certs ran out although they were made via AutoSSL and therefore should autorenew themselves - neither the hostname cert or any of the other certs made at the same time, autorenewed.
I therefore ran autorenew of the non-hostname ssl certs and that worked just fine.
I then went to 'change hostname' kept the old hostname and clicked 'change hostname'
The ssl cert renewed with no problem, but now the hostname cert is still using the old cert and the services Dovecot and Postfix now uses the CWP generated certificate instead of the correct one, that is, the same as the hostname should use
When checking the certs at the ssl cert location, I see that the certs are indeed the new ssl cert and when checking the Dovecot and Postfix ssl settings they are also set to use the new hostname ssl just as they are supposed to do, but they are indeed using the wrong and cwp generated selfsigned cert...
Checking the certs location /etc/pki/... I see that there seems to be a few redirects from dovecot/postfix/ and others eg.:
link server-postfix.crt → /etc/pki/tls/certs/hostname.crt
I donīt remember if they were ther before, but it seems as if these links could make a kind of loop sending the application to look the wrong place for the certs...
I think this is a bug created by CWP when creating the SSL certs, as it seems it creates aīcorrect AutoSSL letsencrypt cert when clicking the 'change hostname' but at the same time creates an autogenerated selfsigned ssl cert and creates links to these selfsigned certs instead of using the correct AutoSSL generated certs...
I have not enough insight to see what will happen if I just delete the links mentioned above, if the system will know to use the correct AutoSSL generated certs when the links are gone...
My thoughts are - if it worked just fine before I ran the renewal, why is there a problem after I ran the renewal?
Anybody outthere know of a solution?