Author Topic: Auto SSL certificate for mail only  (Read 1105 times)

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Re: Auto SSL certificate for mail only
« Reply #16 on: November 27, 2024, 12:53:44 PM »
sounds like a good idea. I'll try it.

Ya but I'm thinking you can generate a new account using the subdomain ( as the account domain on your mail server. It will need an A record pointed correctly to it and Lets Encrypt should issue a new SSL for it when you click create (just ensure AutoSSL is ticked under additional options). Lets Encrypt certs can't do what you want at the moment but it might work for a subdomain.

I haven't tested but am assuming this might work for you.

Re: Auto SSL certificate for mail only
« Reply #17 on: December 03, 2024, 11:36:38 AM »
The problem is:

1 - AutoSSL can't install the certificate for the maindomain, because it's pointed to another server.

2 - AutoSSL asks if I want to skip the maindomain and generate the certificate only for the subdomains (mail and webmail).

3 - The certificate generation process is completed.

4 - But the certificates are invalid, because the SSL is signed with my host's domain instead of being signed with the maindomain.

I can't believe no one has had this same problem? Has anyone ever tried to use CWP only as an email server?

Go to "CWP admin" --> "WebServer Settings" --> "SSL Certificates" --> List installed (tab) --> "Admin Services" near the domain associated with the subdomains you want to apply the SSL for --> "Check the options Webmail, Mail" --> "Apply the changes".

Make sure the SSL is installed and you have "Webmail", "Mail"  in the column "Services" associated with the domain name.

Currently it looks like you haven't enabled the SSL for the domain name.

If it doesn't work still then show us what you see in the column "services" in the row of the problematic domain like this:

Ik have the same issue. Not able to resolve it yet. Hope someone can help and try!