Author Topic: Missing info.....  (Read 9105 times)

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Missing info.....
« on: April 12, 2017, 08:09:31 AM »
I am confused.... :-\

After  doing the update to the newest cwp version, I see that Letsencrypt manager no longer is to be used and that the AutoSSL is to be used instead...?


And why is there no info at all about this rather major change?

What is going on?

Not much point in running a PRO version of CWP if I as a PRO user arenīt receiving any info at all about changes, changelog etc.

Not all use Facebook - for obvious reasons - and therefore relying on all changelog updates entirely on facebook is not an option for CWP - why not have a mailinglist or a proper changelog place, at least for PRO users...?

But - the SSL options right now are very confusing as CWP hasnīt released any info at all about the letsencrypt manager not being in use anymore...

Please inform about what is going on! Thanks.  >:(

Re: Missing info.....
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2017, 05:12:55 PM »
Plus 1.

It's not very clear - It says Not in use any more . . .

. . . but the option is still there to install it (which suggests it is still in use).

Has Letsencrypt been superceded by the updated SSL Cert Manager ?

Re: Missing info.....
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2017, 07:54:05 AM »
letsencrypt module was buggy so we have updated old ssl manager and there will be much more improvements on that module as we will add new webservers, php handlers and automatic ssl installers for all domains/subdomains on the server.

Letsencrypt module will no longer have any updates but you can use it like you did till now.

Info about bigger updates is on the site and facebook.
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Re: Missing info.....
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2017, 06:13:28 AM »
letsencrypt module was buggy so we have updated old ssl manager and there will be much more improvements on that module as we will add new webservers, php handlers and automatic ssl installers for all domains/subdomains on the server.

Letsencrypt module will no longer have any updates but you can use it like you did till now.

Info about bigger updates is on the site and facebook.

Thanks for the information.

Concerning changelog info:

As already mentioned many people do not use Facebook for obvious reasons and that seems to be the only place to search for changelog updates - furthermore there are no exact changelog so if something has happened to an installation during an autoupdate of the cwp version, there is no way to track down what can have caused the error as no exact changelog information is visible anywhere - only 'major' updates are explained and then only on Facebook...

Why not make a section on your customerarea that handles ALL changelogs and where registred clients can log in and see ALL changelogs..?

I am sure that will take some weight off the customersupport with related questions...

Work with us - not against us... ;D

Furthermore - in the features of the new AutoSSL management system:

PLEASE add a feature that easily removes obsolete domains SSL with a click of a button - right now it is annoying to spend a lot of valuable time to do this manually - I asked for it more than a year ago, but so far nothing has happened....?

ALSO - add a feature for autocreation of hostname SSL (not a self-signed version but a proper LetsEncrypt certificate) as many things are handled via the hostname URL and therefore a selfsigned ssl produces warnings each time - not good for obvious reasons...

« Last Edit: May 01, 2017, 06:17:38 AM by muscator »