Author Topic: Moving server site, not SSL  (Read 215 times)

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Moving server site, not SSL
« on: June 29, 2024, 03:13:51 PM »
Well this happens to me:
Original server (server1), destination server (srv1) .

Both Almalinux8.

I configure everything on a new server (srv1), and once I have everything configured, I start cwp transfer to cwp account.
Perfect, correct transfer.

I change DNS entries (I have them in cloudflare), all to the new server and I change the mail and srv1 entries but with transparency (cloufdlare cloud not activated in those entries).

On a new server, reload webserver, I am going to renew the certificate along with the email address and...

Error;The domain does not point.

And I can't...

I ping and it tells me the new server/ip (I don't have the san entries with the orange cloud so that they don't generate "problems" in the SSL renewal).

I try and try, always the same error:
The domain does not point.

But if I generate the main ssl, the site is navigated, but I can't do any san...always error, the domain does not point...

I'm desperate because my old server is about to expire and I don't want to renew it.

And....I performed this same operation last month on two other servers, renewing the certificate and renewing it without any problem.
What difference is there from one to the other?

I have followed the same steps, and both sites, on cloudflare, are the same (as far as "free" entries for san I am referring).

I do not know what to do...

Thank you...

Re: Moving server site, not SSL
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2024, 08:39:01 PM »
Sometimes...I write before I solve it...

In case it happens to someone else and/or this is what I did to solve it, I don't know which point was the one that solved it, because I did several, but I think they are all important.

After reading on the forum, I edited the server's nameservers:
nano /etc/resolv.conf

By default cwp puts a search but I have seen that on the server that, depending on the server, there are one or another, I have put the following:

Code: [Select]
nameserver 2606:4700:4700::1111
nameserver 2001:4860:4860::8888
(The last two, only if you have IPv6)
After this I restart the server.

Also, as I remembered that the other one that worked for me, a few hours passed since the transfer from cwp to cwp on a different server, and I have also read that the ideal at that time is to set the TTL to 5 minutes, what I did in CF was , the mail, cpanel and webmail entries (also just in case the www and the domain ones) I put in 5 minutes.

I waited about 10 minutes, then went to AutoSSL and at that moment, the certificate for domain and SAN's was added without problem.

For if it helps someone.
