Author Topic: NEW feature Idea - SSL without pointing the IP to CWP by ACMEV2  (Read 784 times)

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NEW feature Idea - SSL without pointing the IP to CWP by ACMEV2
« on: November 08, 2023, 08:26:55 PM »
I notice that cyberpanel has new feature update is SSLv2 which does not need pointing the IP from Cloudflare to CWP, which is great, because we use cloudflare to proxy the domain, SSL does not work all the time because of this. ACMEv2 is another method to obtain the
SSL for our website without expose our 443 port to the public, I have done in my router, PfSense firewall. it is working well. All I need just need to take the api token to setup the ACMEv2 plugin. but I want it to be work at CWP integration.

I love this feature in Cyberpanel, but I already buy many of CWP licenses for my server, and I love the functions and UI of CWP(can't get rid off CWP, LOL)