Author Topic: SSL vHost Manager - Notice: Undefined variable after creating AutoSSL Cert  (Read 6923 times)

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I just installed CWP on Centos 7 and I really like what I see,

When I got to VHosts Manager and select AutoSSL then Install SSL
It says: AutoSSL installation for domain success!

But I see two warning above that:

Notice: Undefined variable: .(962([*66 in /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/admin/include/hooks.php on line 0

Notice: Undefined variable: .(962([*66 in /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/admin/include/hooks.php on line 0

The subdomain seems to be secure behind SSL when I use https, so I guess that's working.

Any odeas appreciated, new to thing.

Re: SSL vHost Manager - Notice: Undefined variable after creating AutoSSL Cert
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2018, 09:13:49 PM »
Seen this too. Seems some sort of bug yet could not trace a inclement impact of the error(s) on display

Php is very fussy about "garbage" characters that you cannot generally see.
There are such characters in the default installation files, located here in the first line of the script which I will show here with tildes "`",:
The solution is to open this file in Notepad++ or other text editor, highlight what appears to be white space, between the second 'p' in php and the first slash '/' and replace it with a real space.  Or you can just delete everything in between the 'p' and '/':
p/ and then add a real space.
Brian Brown, Ph.D.
Brian Brown, Ph.D.
"Geeking for over 55 Years!"