Something strange happened, which caused chaos with my certs.
When I installed CWP I was asked for primary domain.
In the past, it made no difference which domain I used. In fact, I even used in the past with no problem.
But now, it makes a very big difference.
During install, I used my domain from my other server, (which I am being forced to abandon because CWP has expired files and will no longer update). The NEW install, then created a hostname-ssl file.....BUT..BUT.....BUT...the NEW install created a hostname-ssl file and populated the IP address by a DNS LOOKUP.
Guess what.....the NEW INSTALL created a hostname-ssl file with my OLD SERVER IP ADDRESS because DNS resolved to the old server IP address. Bad Bad boy! This created big problems and big headaches.
If I look at primary domain name it showed the old server IP address. I was able to edit the IP address, but I dont know how to edit primary domain associated with account.