My first post here, and new to CWP too. Well, here is my context:
- My ISP is using CGNAT, so I can't do port forwarding on IPv4. So, I did-it on IPv6 redirecting ports 80 & 443 to my server.
- The server is with Apache 2.4 in AlmaLinux 8.7 x86_64
- My domain (say "foo.tld") is defined as an add-on of a user through CWP 7
- I'm using a DDNS service for foo.tld, defining AAA record only to the server's IPv6 (ie. no A record for IPv4).
- The domain is well registered at a registrar pointing the name servers of the DDNS provider.
This way, the website is well reachable through http:// and the next step is https://. So, I tried to install an AutoSSL (LE) certificate, but it fails with this error: "DNS of your domain doesn't point to this server or you have htaccess restrictions".
At this point, I understand that LE wants an IPv4, while I read here and there (eg.
https://github.com/letsencrypt/boulder/issues/593 and
https://community.letsencrypt.org/t/support-for-ipv6-only-hosts/354/60) that Let's Encrypt supports the IPv6-only domains since 2016. So, what? Did I made a mistake at some points?
Of course, I tried to add a A record, but it fails too since there's no way to reach my server behind the box-router on the public IPv4.
Is there a way to create (and do renew will work) this AutoSSL certificate in this context? Or what's the alternative (staying in IPv6-only; not using VPN/tunelling with port forwarding on IPv4)?
And last question (I'm not used with this): does a self-signed certificate would do the job the same way as an LE certificate?
I need your enlighted help