Author Topic: "offline" installer?  (Read 6611 times)

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"offline" installer?
« on: December 21, 2015, 12:16:15 PM »
I live in China, it seems that the CWP official website,, is blocked, or partial blocked. So it is very difficult to install CWP here. I tried for hours today, all failed.

Then a new idea come to me: why not offer an "offline" installer? I mean a zip or tgz file (maybe 200MB, maybe 1GB ), which I can download with my PC, then upload to my VPS, then unzip it on VPS, then run the installation script in it to install it.

We also have yum source for LAMP here, but not from CWP official website. So, please make such a big ALL-IN-ONE installer package, and allow to update LAMP parts from yum sources defined in my VPS, instead of request each directive from CWP official website. In this way, I think I and many other users in China can install CWP without problem.

Thank you.