in the past, it's possible to have configuration with nginx-varnish-apache
now it's finish, there is varnish-nginx-apache (in test version ...
) I don't really understand this choice (why nginx in the middle
but ok, no matters)
the problem with this solution is work really good but only with clear web pages
when you put ssl there is a redirection directly for apache (port 443 -> httpd) loosing all the benefits of varnish cache and compressed files by nginx
it's a suggestion to have a possibility:
*nginx (ports 80 and 443) for compress files, encrypt with ssl, and quick send result
*varnish (port 82) to cache all web pages, and maybe put all in RAM (speed up the site answer)
*apache (port 8181) to have all use comfort for all specifics utilizations for a lot of type of websites
with this solution you have all the benefits for all tools and make a really great total fast job
all the traffic pass by the same way and have the same quick answer
best regards