Author Topic: 502 error for websites hosted on CWP.  (Read 23662 times)

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Re: 502 error for websites hosted on CWP.
« Reply #15 on: October 10, 2019, 03:19:49 PM »
Nice catch, 2 posts deleted. Can you tell me why?

You need to pay. And if you sites is down you need to pay. CWP team don't want to find nice solution, and you need to pay...

Re: 502 error for websites hosted on CWP.
« Reply #16 on: October 15, 2019, 04:21:29 PM »
Yeah, I installed and configured PHP-FPM manually, not using the PHP-FPM Selector and someone from the CWP team thought: yeah, let's break their websites by changing the permission for the php-fpm executable without OUR CONSENT.

PHP-FPM is not built by CWP, what CWP is doing is wrong on so many levels.
I wonder if they can afford an invoice for the downtime caused because of their sneaky update!