Author Topic: Apache conf for "Apache & Nginx Reverse Proxy" setup overwritten after update  (Read 14623 times)

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We manage a webserver with CWP, using the 'Apache & Nginx Reverse Proxy' configuration. In this configuration, Nginx listens on port 80 and Apache on port 8181. This morning I found that last night cwp-httpd had been auto-updated, and that this update had overwritten the Apache configuration with a default configuration listening on port 80. Since this port was already claimed by Nginx, Apache no longer started.

Rebuilding the server-configuration from within CWP (at Apache Settings >> Select WebServers) didn't resolve the problem, so I restored a backup of the /usr/local/apache/conf and /usr/local/apache/conf.d directories to get the server working again.

a) has anybody else had the same problem?
b) how can I prevent this from happening in the future, other than disabling auto-updates or abandoning the 'Apache & Nginx Reverse Proxy' setup?
c) on the CWP dashboard, Nginx is not listed and the Apache webserver is marked 'inactive'. Apparently the dashboard does not take into account the 'Apache & Nginx Reverse Proxy' setting. I cannot remember whether that was the case before the update of last night. Can anybody tell me whether this is normal for an 'Apache & Nginx Reverse Proxy' CWP-setup?

Server info: CentOS 7.3.1611 x86_64, cwp-srv 1.10.2-4, cwp-httpd 2.4.25-4 (updated from 2.4.25-3).

After recent update apache stopped working! All sites went down.
also all httpd settings have been reverted to default.
This isn't the first time with similar issues after update.
Probably I will block all future updates and communication with cwp servers until you will be able to solve these issues.
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This isn't the first time with similar issues after update.
Oh my God, I'm not alone. :o
The administration is silent and it seems is not going to improve the situation.
It helped me: Select WebSerwers=>Apache & Nginx Reverse Proxy (Nginx on port 80 and apache on port 8181) & Save and rebuild configuration.
I have more than once regretted that I installed the CVP. Very, very many bugs.
This is not a release and not even betta, but rather an alpha version: (

I will block all future updates and communication with cwp servers
How to do this?

Damnit, it's the third time since the last big manual update it happened to me...The devs that maintain do such amazing job...I have the feeling they do it expressively to pay them to fix the stuff!
Guys don't accept updates from their cwp update will have systematically an issue if you do it :P

Do you think in the paid Pro version does not have these problems?
I doubt it ....
I am willing to pay for a quality product.
Probably, now there are problems with the developers.
Let's wait ..
Sorry for the OFFtop