The last update only had PHP updates in it.
Could you please advise of the following:
What 'errors' and/or 'messages' are being displayed in the logs?
On the main panel, what are you Top 5 processes?
What distro are you are you running CWP on?
VPS or Dedicated?
System Specs?
I did not find any useful info in the logs. I run 8 clone sites on the same script on 8 different users. Controlling CWP by admin login.
So, there is no useful info in domlogs. PHP slow log starts to write by all domains, as then the server becomes very slow, it is normal that PHP will execute very slow.
Only found some interesting lines in some log files (do not remember the names):
Too many connections in /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/admin/include/functions.php on line 0
Undefined index: start in /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/admin/addons/ajax/ajax_list_accounts.php on line 0
My main Top 5 processes usually are php-fpm executions of my sites.
The CPU load by them is up to 50%, sometimes spikes to 100%.
But this is the same in both cases, the server is loaded by 2 or 40-80.
After recent tests, I found 2-3 of 8 of my sites causing high load. Suspending these user accounts drops the load to 5-10 or even 2. Unsuspending them after night - load can go low to 2, or spike to very high.
There is no huge traffic on those 3 sites and there is no DDOS attack - tested by enabling "under attack mode" on Cloudflare.
I do not have an idea where can be a problem as all my 8 sites are clones.
So after playing with accounts suspensions, restarts, etc, in a couple of days, I can get a stable 2-5 server load.
Until the next user account is created and added new domain - the load spikes and if I delete that new account quickly - the load drops to previous levels.
If I do not delete the new account - I should do a long play as mentioned above.
When I manage to get a low load, it keeps for 5-7 days (load 2-3), then spikes to ~6 and runs stable on that load.
Until new account + domain are added.
I am running the latest CWP7pro on CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core) 3.10.0-1160.119.1.el7.x86_64
VPS 8 Core (2200 MHz), 30 GB Ram, 800 Gb SSD.
Regarding installing SSL I found Cloudflare didn't let it do, as by default setting it has "Always use HTTPs" enabled and redirects newly added domains to the https version.
It is strange, as 5-7 days ago new SSLs on CWP worked just fine with newly added domains on Cloudflare.