Author Topic: Varnish High Performance [CWPpro required] I have CWP7pro  (Read 8616 times)

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Varnish High Performance [CWPpro required] I have CWP7pro
« on: November 26, 2018, 07:06:02 PM »
Why do I see this when I have CWP Pro???

Re: Varnish High Performance [CWPpro required] I have CWP7pro
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2019, 05:58:15 AM »
I know this is an older post. I just want to reply so that the others do not have to search.

As mentioned in this post:
there is no more button specially for pro users. Storage backend "Malloc" is the feature that we look for.

I also found that if you call "..../admin/index.php?module=varnish_conf"
instead varnish_conf2 you see an option "Varnish Disk Storage Size (recommended: 1G):"

I did not tried yet and even wont. Could someone tell me if that is deprecated/replaced with Storage backend "File"?