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Messages - slimtim

Pages: [1]
Information / Re: CentOS 8 Support - When or Never???
« on: October 31, 2020, 03:56:38 PM »
I don't know where to post it so i paste it to this thread. Main reason to upgrade to CentOS 8 is security in most cases so things which where ok with CentOS 7 are not acceptable on CentOS 8. So reinstalling and upgrading cwppro to CentOS 8 bring enhanced requirement for security to my working table and i will must to look for another solution for vps control panel.

My feeling from cwp(pro) from more than year of using on about 4 instalation

nginx + apache
modsec (but actual owasp rules are 3.0.3 and not 3.0.0). so i have custom install of 3.0.3 rules on cwp and 3.0.0 on cpwpro. I’m not sure if is not fail2ban for public websites inside.
vhosts templates - but i upload my customized from sftp not from admin (better usability with sftp not from admin)

old backup can’t restore users on new installation.
new backup did one of my backup without sql (empty granted.sql in mysql folder only)
so it’s better do custom shell with sql export, tar, gpg encrypting and rclone remote upload

php-fpm - biggest security threat of cwppro. I’m afraid that it can not do automatically server downgrade/rebuild from php-fpm. i’m using nginx+apache and i’m scary when I see you are not using cwppro notice so must do downgrade to classic php. Poor cwppro verification based on ip address without mail notice and php-fpm shut down date.

php-fpm have not long time customizable php.ini from admin. it’s rewritten after complete new php compile and custom php.ini in public_html folder is not acceptable,  it must be placed in home/account folder not in public_html. I’m using cwp admin backend only not user administration.

new installation of cwppro on centos8 install have wrong repository and install nginx 1.14. I don’t know why? Security reason or fail?

I’m still hanging on cwp because i’m using nginx+apache but cwppro is more like donate and not paying for valuable features. I can pay up to 1/3 of vps price for working control panel but It is based on linux so I would like to pay for saving my time because everything is working and can’t pay and do custom shells for reimbursement not working functions.

I’m not using:
dovecot, clamav, emails (postfix+dkim for sending mail from php only)
netdata - too large with poor usability for monitoring iddle vps with nginx+apache

I’m missing:
100% working user/cwp backup/restore function
up to date components/cwp parts which are not updating by yum update (i don't know which but i have not up to date feeling from cwp)
ipv6 support from user config (for passing ipv6 to vhost template)
cpu monitoring graphs like rrdtool

I need nginx+apache and i don’t want do custom modification for working this combination but i’m afraid that cwp has poor progress for last year (there are beta/new menu item for one year) so it is good to start thinking about another control panel. It is results of updating cwppro to centos 8.

Information / Re: CentOS 8 Support - When or Never???
« on: October 29, 2020, 05:37:55 AM »
I tried to migrate to CentOS8 with new backup and only problem was forgotten home test of adding additional ips before reinstall so I’m not sure how to add main ip and gateway from dhcp and another ips on same network device as static in ifcfg-ens3 so I temporary add all ips v4+v6 and gateway as static. Second problem was not starting nginx on boot (99: Cannot assign requested address) but it started ok from play button. It takes me lot of time but It’s possible to solve it with adding two rows to sysctl.conf.

Code: [Select]
net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind = 1
net.ipv6.ip_nonlocal_bind = 1

Part of time saves me backup of few conf files, templates and backup sh files which I have customized and copy of rclone and gpg configs from root folder.

Information / Re: CentOS 8 Support - When or Never???
« on: October 28, 2020, 10:08:00 PM »
I'm thinking about migration from CentOS 7 to CentOS 8 so I did precheck of possible ways how to do it.

I'm using multiple ips on my vps so I need to install CentOS 8 on same vps to preserve same ip adresses. I'm not sure if is better to do CPW7->CPW(tmp)->CWP8 migration (slowest/hardest way probably) or do new (or classic old) backup download and restore. New backup probably did not backup user/domain ip adresses and nginx+apache templates, will CWP Migration do transfer domain ips values and vhost templates?

For same server migration looks better to do new backup download/restore and vhost templates and domain ip adresses assign and add to domains manually. So I would like to know if will be some feature for same server CWP7-CWP8 migration release this year or not? Will be CWPPro work on same ip after reinstall? I'm using nginx+php-fpm and vps is with public sites so I have to do it in 1-2 hours (or do snapshot restore to cwp7). Thank you.

SSL / Re: Hostname SSL won't update
« on: June 29, 2020, 05:08:02 PM »
when I change hostname from to in CWP, it don't delete folder or .conf in /root/ So when autoSSL will do renew of this cert it'll rewrite current/new hostname cert. I hope that this info help to fix it. Thank you.

PHP Selector / PHP-FPM Selector .ini override
« on: October 05, 2019, 02:59:20 PM »
every time when i compliled new php 7.2 in cwp pro it overwrite edited php.ini (timezone, memory_limit, etc.). The only way to override default .ini for stable usage that i found is by .user.ini in public_html or by ini_set in php/htaccess. Is possible to add custom.ini item to php-fpm selector to fix this overwriting issue? Thank you.

Updates / Re: in "Anacron job 'cron.daily...." - cannot stat..
« on: September 14, 2019, 09:56:52 AM »
Solved by deleting "missing" /etc/pki/tls/certs/hostname.bundle and regenerating from advice above...

(HTTP 200 - OK) (It was down for 59 minutes and 52 seconds)  8)

Updates / Re: in "Anacron job 'cron.daily...." - cannot stat..
« on: September 14, 2019, 08:57:30 AM »
run sh /scripts/generate_hostname_ssl

Great advice. Whole CPanel down... ::)

PHP / Re: php.ini configuration per user
« on: July 25, 2019, 09:44:57 AM »
I switched from php-cgi to php-fpm and it can't read .user.ini from /home/user but /home/user/public_html only, where is .user.ini public and mixed with another files. Is possible a manual or template config to have .user.ini working from /home/user directory? Thank you.

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