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Topics - greg

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PHP / Pdo_pgsql and Oci8 Support
« on: January 27, 2015, 11:11:07 PM »

I'm trying to enable the postgresql and oracle support for PHP in CWP without success.

I have tried it from PECL

 /usr/local/cwp/php54/bin/pecl  install pdo_pgsql
make: *** [pdo_pgsql.lo] Error 1
ERROR: `make' failed

For OCI8 the oracle instant client is installed and the following command is ok, but after add the oci8 extension to php.ini it is not loaded
 /usr/local/cwp/php54/bin/pecl  install oci8

I need that because we have some webservices that needs connect to aditional database servers

Can anybody help me? :)


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