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Messages - asrof_id

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Information / Re: CentOS 7 & CentOS Stream 8 EOL - Being Archived
« on: June 14, 2024, 02:04:23 AM »
Off course we need MySQL Manager GUI, yes?
Node JS is also starting show problems in Centos 7.
VPS seller like Contabo is now not giving Centos 7 also.

We should now think new OS as an alternative.

CWP officially not give new update yet.

If you don't need ionCube or need to use the MySQL Manager GUI, AlmaLinux 9 (currently 9.4) is what we have started using.

But CWP IS still in beta on this version.

Other / Re: node js 18 NOT FOUND. but already install it.
« on: September 15, 2023, 01:13:55 PM »
I am facing the same problem in Node JS 18 and 19

Thanks for this reply od1tspyd3r.

You help me much.

I was succeed with these steps:
  • User Accounts -> Features Themes Languages -> Themes
  • uncheck "Allow users to change theme" - (default is checked) -> hit "Save Theme default" button
  • go to "user accounts" -> "list accounts"
  • choose an account -> suspend account for a while -> then unsuspend

Bofore this, I have searched in this forum, google and, nothing works.

Now solved.

Thanks again od1tspyd3r

PHP Selector / Re: PHP-FPM 8.0 not building.
« on: August 26, 2022, 10:40:05 PM »
the same.

U build php 8.0 with no success.

Installation / Can we use CWP with auto scaling in AWS?
« on: August 26, 2022, 09:18:05 PM »

I think most of you have heard about auto scaling in AWS.

What do you think about scaling with CWP in there?

The problem that we face are:
  • auto scaling will auto create new server, with new ip address
  • how to attach elastic IP to new server automatically
  • there is also load balancing model, how to deal with it

Anyone has experience with it? God bless you.

Postfix / Re: SASL LOGIN authentication failed: UGFzc3dvcmQ6
« on: August 26, 2022, 12:58:47 AM »
Thank you very much @rcschaff,

Your suggestion very helpfull.
I am in this bad situation for months, lastly I found your best suggestion.
Thanks again.

Welcome to owning a server.   Use CSF firewall to block the two ip's.  Setup automatic blocks on 4-5 failed logins.

I am facing the same problem.
Have you got the solustion?

Error 503 Backend fetch failed
Backend fetch failed

Guru Meditation:
XID: 4522142

Varnish cache server

Hi friends ...

We have had some problems with varnish ...
Error 503 Backend fetch failed

Backend fetch failed
Guru Meditation:

XID: 1279924

we use webserver configuration nginx-varnish-apache-php-fpm...
after some study/investigation of internet we found recomendations some changes in config files ...

we have added them to the files in: /etc/varnish/default.vcl
and we have added them have updated files in : /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/conf/web_servers/vhosts/varnish/default.tpl

then we have updated all domains in CWP > WebServers Domain Conf
And all changes  from default.vcl or default.tpl were updated in files in all fomain files: /etc/varnish/conf.d/vhosts

After this was everything OK and Error 503 Backend fetch failed .... they came only very rarely ....

But the biggest that after some time (may be after CWP update) the config files were rewrited to old ones ...
files in : /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/conf/web_servers/vhosts/varnish/default.tpl
all fomain files: /etc/varnish/conf.d/vhosts

all our changes were lost ...

Please why ???

we think that it is very BAD!!!

CAn you do something with this ???



CSF Firewall / Re: Invalid Session - What is the solution?
« on: July 10, 2022, 06:08:38 AM »
After thinking for months, lastly I found the solution.
If we are using dynamic IP (and most of us use dynamic IP), so we have to logout CWP after work.
Don't forget to logout! It is mandatory.

CSF Firewall / Invalid Session - What is the solution?
« on: June 05, 2022, 10:34:37 AM »
Hello Fiends,

I am facing "invalid session" message in CWP admin panel.

I am using Dynamic IP in my network.

How can I log in without invalid session?

CentOS-WebPanel GUI / Re: login issue from Dynamic IP login
« on: February 02, 2022, 02:31:58 PM »
Yes, for me too,

I have read the wiki but not help.

Anyone has a trick?


I have the same issue, I use a satellite provider for my internet connection.

My provider has a dynamic IP that changes constantly, I cannot even login unless I am using a VPN.

I read the wiki but does not offer any solution, I there any way to deactivate/override CWP to do not give and Invalid Session when using a dynamic IP

CentOS-WebPanel Bugs / Can't edit Inode on Account Editing
« on: January 18, 2022, 05:38:34 AM »
Hello friends,

We can see "Inodes" on account editing,
We tried to change Inode from zero to 90 and submit,
But, I checked again it still shows zero.
So, It failed in editing.

Hello friends,

I am using CWPpro version:
I try to install PHP FPM 8.0 via menu PHP-FPM Selector  and Start compiler button, but failed after some hours.
  • In next day I get email from MONIT,
  • email subject: monit alert -- Execution failed php-fpm80
  • email content: Description: failed to start (exit status 5) -- '/usr/bin/systemctl start php-fpm80.service': Failed to start php-fpm80.service: Unit not found.

Anyone know how to solve this?

Thank you very much.

Functions / Re: Bugs Report: Lost Menu on Account Editing
« on: December 17, 2021, 11:39:52 AM »
Thank you,
Now solved with new updates.
Thanks again.


Ohhh now I understand the problem, thanks for the report, this will be solved for our new version. You can also change this from "Manage shell access", in the admin /admin/index.php?module=chshell

Functions / Re: Bugs Report: Lost Menu on Account Editing
« on: December 13, 2021, 06:28:20 AM »
(1) When I clicked "edit menu" => I ticked "shell acccess"
(2) checked again => still unchecked.
(3) SO, I can not use "shell access"

What do you mean, it can't be done?

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