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Messages - yeknafar

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I have installed a new CWP. Do I have to do anything more from what was said on this link?:

(Because the destination CWP is a fresh installation and I just did the things that was told in above link for CWP to CWP account migration)

When on the source server I go to "Account Transfer Server (CWP -> CWP)" and check the connnection it shows everything is correct and I start to transfer and wait for some hours each time and it shows "Transfer in progress ...!" but nothing is added to destination server.

Here is the log of /var/log/cwp/account_transfer.log

2018-07-19 21:28:06 Verifying...!
2018-07-19 21:28:06 Initial process my accounts
2018-07-20 04:23:05 Verifying...!
2018-07-20 04:23:05 Initial process my accounts
2018-07-20 04:28:42 Verifying...!
2018-07-20 04:28:42 Initial process my accounts
2018-07-20 04:34:48 Verifying...!
2018-07-20 04:34:48 Initial process my accounts

The file size and its backup is 8.4 Gig.


Thanks bro.
What about my server ssl?
I get the same error ( "DNS of your domain doesn't point to this server or you have htaccess restrictions.")
When I want to install SSL on

We can not use @#$%^&*()! signs in the password of CWP?
When I use them them password doesn't work.



I have a subdoman that is pointing to different IP (on a differebt cpanel download host) and all of my pictures and sound files are on it. I can not publish auto SSL for it?
When I try it sayas: "DNS of your domain doesn't point to this server or you have htaccess restrictions."

How can I solve this problem?

Thanks  :)

How to / Re: Protection against Slowloris?
« on: July 17, 2018, 04:15:25 PM »
But it does not use any more cpu or ram.

My ram is 4 now but it uses less than 2.

I had such a problem with CPU 4 and Ram 8 too. I can set to more cpus for a while. OK

On Cloadflare it shows there are a lot of attaks too. is it normal?

I really thank you

How to / Re: Protection against Slowloris?
« on: July 17, 2018, 04:11:51 PM »
I now recieved this too

 lfd on High 5 minute load average alert - 18.09
Time:                    Tue Jul 17 20:23:36 2018 +0430
1 Min Load Avg:          9.23
5 Min Load Avg:          18.09
15 Min Load Avg:         14.37
Running/Total Processes: 10/5839

I receieve such a thing exactly each hour.

How to / Re: Protection against Slowloris?
« on: July 17, 2018, 01:49:39 PM »

Code: [Select]
netstat -ntu | grep :80 | grep -v LISTEN | awk '{print $5}' | cut -d: -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | grep -v | wc -l

I usually use
Code: [Select]
netstat -nt | grep :80 | wc -l

it is usually more than 10 at least but most of the time goes to 100 too. Some days it was a small number less than 1 or 0.

Code: [Select]
itop *itop as it seems has error

Code: [Select]

With the above code I tested the
Code: [Select]
[code]netstat -ntu | grep :80 | grep -v LISTEN | awk '{print $5}' | cut -d: -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | grep -v | wc -l
another time it shows 0

Another time  iostat  with 58. 77. 78,

Code: [Select]
tail -f /usr/local/apache/logs/error_log

Code: [Select]
tail -f /var/log/dmesg

[root@srv ~]# tail -f /var/log/dmesg
tail: cannot open '/var/log/dmesg' for reading: No such file or directory
tail: no files remaining

Code: [Select]
tail -f /var/log/messages

[root@srv ~]# tail -f /var/log/messages

[root@srv ~]# tail -f /var/log/messages
Jul 17 18:16:07 srv systemd: Started Generic clamav scanner daemon.
Jul 17 18:16:07 srv systemd: Starting Generic clamav scanner daemon...
Jul 17 18:16:26 srv clamd: ERROR: LOCAL: Socket file /var/run/clamd.amavisd/clamd.sock is in use by another process.
Jul 17 18:16:26 srv systemd: clamd-scan.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Jul 17 18:16:26 srv systemd: Unit clamd-scan.service entered failed state.
Jul 17 18:16:26 srv systemd: clamd-scan.service failed.
Jul 17 18:16:26 srv systemd: clamd-scan.service holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
Jul 17 18:16:26 srv systemd: Failed to reset devices.list on /system.slice/clamd-scan.service: Operation not permitted
Jul 17 18:16:26 srv systemd: Started Generic clamav scanner daemon.
Jul 17 18:16:26 srv systemd: Starting Generic clamav scanner daemon...
Jul 17 18:16:45 srv clamd: ERROR: LOCAL: Socket file /var/run/clamd.amavisd/clamd.sock is in use by another process.
Jul 17 18:16:46 srv systemd: clamd-scan.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Jul 17 18:16:46 srv systemd: Unit clamd-scan.service entered failed state.
Jul 17 18:16:46 srv systemd: clamd-scan.service failed.
Jul 17 18:16:46 srv systemd: clamd-scan.service holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
Jul 17 18:16:46 srv systemd: Failed to reset devices.list on /system.slice/clamd-scan.service: Operation not permitted
Jul 17 18:16:46 srv systemd: Started Generic clamav scanner daemon.
Jul 17 18:16:46 srv systemd: Starting Generic clamav scanner daemon...
Jul 17 18:17:01 srv systemd: Started Session c1147 of user root.
Jul 17 18:17:01 srv systemd: Starting Session c1147 of user root.
Jul 17 18:17:05 srv clamd: ERROR: LOCAL: Socket file /var/run/clamd.amavisd/clamd.sock is in use by another process.
Jul 17 18:17:05 srv systemd: clamd-scan.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Jul 17 18:17:05 srv systemd: Unit clamd-scan.service entered failed state.
Jul 17 18:17:05 srv systemd: clamd-scan.service failed.
Jul 17 18:17:05 srv systemd: clamd-scan.service holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
Jul 17 18:17:05 srv systemd: Failed to reset devices.list on /system.slice/clamd-scan.service: Operation not permitted
Jul 17 18:17:05 srv systemd: Started Generic clamav scanner daemon.
Jul 17 18:17:05 srv systemd: Starting Generic clamav scanner daemon...
Jul 17 18:17:24 srv clamd: ERROR: LOCAL: Socket file /var/run/clamd.amavisd/clamd.sock is in use by another process.
Jul 17 18:17:24 srv systemd: clamd-scan.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Jul 17 18:17:24 srv systemd: Unit clamd-scan.service entered failed state.
Jul 17 18:17:24 srv systemd: clamd-scan.service failed.
Jul 17 18:17:24 srv systemd: clamd-scan.service holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
Jul 17 18:17:24 srv systemd: Failed to reset devices.list on /system.slice/clamd-scan.service: Operation not permitted
Jul 17 18:17:24 srv systemd: Started Generic clamav scanner daemon.
Jul 17 18:17:24 srv systemd: Starting Generic clamav scanner daemon...
Jul 17 18:17:41 srv systemd: Started Session 304387 of user root.
Jul 17 18:17:41 srv systemd-logind: New session 304387 of user root.
Jul 17 18:17:41 srv systemd: Starting Session 304387 of user root.
Jul 17 18:17:48 srv clamd: ERROR: LOCAL: Socket file /var/run/clamd.amavisd/clamd.sock is in use by another process.
Jul 17 18:17:48 srv systemd: clamd-scan.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Jul 17 18:17:48 srv systemd: Unit clamd-scan.service entered failed state.
Jul 17 18:17:48 srv systemd: clamd-scan.service failed.
Jul 17 18:17:49 srv systemd: clamd-scan.service holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
Jul 17 18:17:49 srv systemd: Failed to reset devices.list on /system.slice/clamd-scan.service: Operation not permitted
Jul 17 18:17:49 srv systemd: Started Generic clamav scanner daemon.
Jul 17 18:17:49 srv systemd: Starting Generic clamav scanner daemon...
Jul 17 18:18:01 srv systemd: Started Session c1148 of user root.
Jul 17 18:18:01 srv systemd: Starting Session c1148 of user root.
Jul 17 18:18:11 srv clamd: ERROR: LOCAL: Socket file /var/run/clamd.amavisd/clamd.sock is in use by another process.
Jul 17 18:18:11 srv systemd: clamd-scan.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Jul 17 18:18:11 srv systemd: Unit clamd-scan.service entered failed state.
Jul 17 18:18:11 srv systemd: clamd-scan.service failed.
Jul 17 18:18:11 srv systemd: clamd-scan.service holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
Jul 17 18:18:11 srv systemd: Failed to reset devices.list on /system.slice/clamd-scan.service: Operation not permitted
Jul 17 18:18:11 srv systemd: Started Generic clamav scanner daemon.
Jul 17 18:18:11 srv systemd: Starting Generic clamav scanner daemon...

Code: [Select]
cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l

NO this code
Code: [Select]
netstat -ntu | grep :80 | grep -v LISTEN | awk '{print $5}' | cut -d: -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | grep -v | wc -lis 16


How to / Re: Protection against Slowloris?
« on: July 17, 2018, 08:27:23 AM »
 I am on OVH.
I have two do,ains on it . One of them is not active the other one has 10 subdomains with different Mysqls.

When I use the command I get some connections (14 in this picture) that do not hve any IP in front of it.

This is htop result:

Top of CWP

If I change the port of my Varnish to 80 can be useful? How can I do that?
Do I send other logs?

I am really thankful and sorry to disturbed you.

How to / Re: Protection against Slowloris?
« on: July 17, 2018, 12:02:47 AM »

Not it says:

"AH00558: httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message
[root@srv mod_antiloris-0.4]# ^C"

I am under DDOs with Varnish and got database error and load average between 6 to 48 every one hour.

About 48 hours I am using the Cloudflare too it is showing that they are stopping so many attacks (1,686 ones in about 48 hours)  on my site, I did not get database error but get load average email with load average between 10 to 20 every one hour exactly.

I guess my Varnish is not in front of the webserver and have to change the ports.

I asked a dude he told me to install this module and send him some logs to help me.

I do not know what to do now.
Does the Varnish can mitigate the attacks without Cloudflare too if I config it? How I have to do that?

I have these attackes about 6 monthes and have changed 3 host provider too. One of the, asked me to leave them.

Mu Mysql process says this information too

Threads: 10  Questions: 163636  Slow queries: 0  Opens: 4546  Flush tables: 1  Open tables: 200  Queries per second avg: 30.400

I do not know is it a sign for slow loris or no.


How to / Re: Protection against Slowloris?
« on: July 16, 2018, 11:03:58 PM »
I did but as it seems the sape problem.

How can I solve it and after that how can I enable it in httpd.conf  ?

I know I have to ass a line like: "# SlowlorisModule bla bla bla" but not know ecaxtly.  :)


How to / Re: Protection against Slowloris?
« on: July 16, 2018, 10:44:30 PM »

How to / Re: Protection against Slowloris?
« on: July 16, 2018, 10:31:49 PM »
It was a real nightmare without your help.
God bless you
It became a good class for beginners too  ;D

How to / Re: Protection against Slowloris?
« on: July 16, 2018, 09:58:36 PM »
Apache is on now but I get

Error 503 Backend fetch failed

Backend fetch failed
Guru Meditation:

XID: 32783

Varnish cache server

on my site yet.

Do I need to do sth more?

for example do I need to use "Rebuild Virtual Hosts" ?


How to / Re: Protection against Slowloris?
« on: July 16, 2018, 09:52:38 PM »
Thank you
You helped me to get rid of my mistake.

I did not have such a part that u sent me on this picture. Why I do not have it?
And when I have this error "-bash: apxs: command not found" what should I do?


How to / Re: Protection against Slowloris?
« on: July 16, 2018, 09:39:00 PM »
I did not find your solution.
When I go to the root of the CWP panel I do not see  any fix for it.
Just there is a red light in front of the Apache and when I restart it it shoews such a thing:
"Job for httpd.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status httpd.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details."

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