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Messages - overseer

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 80
Installation / Re: Alma linux 8 fresh install script error
« on: Today at 10:54:07 PM »
Out of curiosity, is your forum name a joke or a legit description?

Information / Re: CWP Support Site Not Working
« on: Today at 01:24:47 AM »
To each his own -- you probably prefer managed support, which is pricier but expect a level of service for the $$. I prefer DIY, which has thus far proven to be cost effective for me, since I've only ever needed 2 paid tickets with CWP's support. And they were helpful & responsive when I needed to change a CWP Pro server's IP address. So no negative experiences here, which is why I continue on with CWP.

Again, those are Notices -- not errors. If you prefer not to notice them, you can do as I suggested earlier in the thread and change your warning level so they aren't brought front & center to your attention on a regular basis.

Information / Re: database special characters password
« on: February 04, 2025, 02:27:44 AM »
Also, postfix and/or dovecot don't appreciate a password that ends in a period -- it is seen as a terminator signal.

Information / Re: CWP AWSTATS
« on: February 04, 2025, 12:58:28 AM »
I've used it on bare metal servers. But it should be possible to install Webalizer, set up universal cron jobs, and add a menu item for Customers.

Suggestions / Re: :):):) Comodo WAF rules update required :):):)
« on: February 01, 2025, 04:08:16 PM »
Appreciated, keep 'em coming!

I'm sure a CWP update re-enabled it at some point, since it's core functionality provided & expected by CWP's mail setup. systemctl disable removes symlinks that enable the service so you would have to periodically check for the existence of the symlinks and remove them. Or simply run your command periodically (hourly, overnight, whatever).

Suggestions / Re: :):):) Comodo WAF rules update required :):):)
« on: January 29, 2025, 04:42:27 PM »
I suppose a year is the breakpoint to say that Comodo WAF is dead. It might just be something Xcitium is neglecting in favor of their enterprise products (more lucrative). Time to press on...

Just omit that stanza in your SSH config. Good to lock things down after it is set up & working, but securing things prematurely will hinder your setup or potentially lock you at.

I'm sorry, but have you considered hiring a sysadmin to help you set up your server?

AlmaLinux's default install doesn't have telnet.
telnet testing is done FROM your computer (a proper desktop linux? macOS?) TO your AlmaLinux server. No need to install it on AlmaLinux.

Various caching schemes are in play, but shouldn't affect anything in this case.

Have you tried testing your server with telnet and see if you can get through the firewall and services are listening (postfix)?
Code: [Select]
telnet 25
telnet 465
telnet 587

Installation / Re: More info about apps please?
« on: January 22, 2025, 09:35:24 PM »
Great, glad you're human! Your messages seemed to be, but the signature "this" with the Cialis link was throwing me off!

I do everything in the CWP Admin panel (requiring root access). The User panels on my servers are little used, as the clients lean on me to do most of the legwork. But at least they can change e-mail PW if they need to.

This has been addressed previously:

Or simply:
Code: [Select]
mount proc -o remount,hidepid=0
systemctl restart polkit.service

(Also consider upgrading to AlmaLinux 8 or 9.)

Installation / Re: More info about apps please?
« on: January 22, 2025, 04:48:57 PM »
Are you a bot or human? Why does your signature have an advertisement for Cialis?

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