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Messages - 6Sense

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E-Mail / Re: Urgent - Domain has outgoing email disabled
« on: September 25, 2017, 12:31:45 PM »
Did you rebuild the mail server?

You need to do this if you change the hostname.

Installation / Re: permanently redirect to https
« on: September 21, 2017, 01:35:42 PM »
If you use Cloudflare you can redirect all http traffic to https  :)

Apache / Re: to
« on: August 13, 2017, 12:16:24 PM »
I use CloudFlare for DNS and set 301 redirects to preferred domain  :)

DNS Manager / Re: forgot password
« on: August 01, 2017, 11:29:32 AM »
I created a FreeDNS account to test for you.

When requesting a password reset I receive an email immediately (to hotmail account) with a new password & can access my account with it.

FTP / Re: not FTP
« on: July 26, 2017, 11:23:33 AM »
lol  :P

Information / Re: How to renew the letsencrypt certificate
« on: July 25, 2017, 01:33:56 AM »
If your using SSL Cert Manager can use this work around to set up auto renew  :)

I was just showing you where the file lives, as you discovered deleting it won't help  ;)

The fact that traffic is  arriving at that page tells us there is something not configured correctly but it's difficult to know where. Did you rebuild Apache and Vhosts + check DNS as suggested?

SSL / Re: AutoSSL in CWP "SSL Cert Manager", is that auto renew?
« on: July 21, 2017, 06:14:12 AM »
I think It's supposed to auto renew but doesn't seem to be working at the moment.

If you want to use Auto SSL Cert manager and need auto renew I posted a workaround here which gets it done with a few extra steps.

It has a different location


I think this is the Apache webserver default index.html page.

I'd try rebuilding your Apache server including Virtual Hosts and make sure your DNS stuff is correct.

OK so given that my SSL certs were soon to expire and were yet to auto renew I took a look & developed a work around. It seems that the SSL's weren't set up using which is what runs the auto renew cron job.

To fix this we need to firstly issue the certs using & then install them into our default cert folders. They should then auto renew for us via the cron job when less than 30 days.

  • Make sure all your SSL's have been set up in the SSL Cert Manager and are working
  • Access your server as Root user using your preferred method
  • Run the below command whereby (/home/folder-name/public_html is your DocumentRoot & is your domain). I circled where you can find your DocumentRoot in red (in image below) in your SSL Cert Manager.
Code: [Select]  --issue  -d -w /home/folder-name/public_html
  • Copy the issued certs to your default cert folders using the below command
Code: [Select] --install-cert -d --cert-file /etc/pki/tls/certs/ --key-file  /etc/pki/tls/private/ --fullchain-file /etc/pki/tls/certs/
  • Make sure the cron job is set up in Server Settings > CronTab. If it isn't you can auto create it by running the below command
Code: [Select] --install-cronjob
  • Test the cron job is working using the below code (You should see all of your SSL certs successfully renew to 89 days).
Code: [Select] --cron

    You should now have successfully set up CWP/CentOS to auto renew all your SSL's via the cron job. The below image illustrates that the cron job auto renewed them on my server at 04:51:00.

    Hoping this helps someone faced with the same issue and be nice if our admins sees and incorporates a fix in CWP  :)

    Some tips:

    - If you receive an (Accessing .well-known/acme-challenge/...) error, delete and recreate the .well-known folder ensuring it has the right permissions.
    - If you need to do more than 5 auths or issues on the same domain while you're sorting something out include (--staging) in the command to prevent getting locked out after 5 attempts (this points the request to the Let's Encrypt sandbox).

    ***Please note: This work around is good with both my servers (CWP6 & CWP7) however as SSL failures can result in complete loss of site access  I strongly advise you to have a working backup that you can simply revert back to if it's not right for you.

    You can manually delete the SSL cert and re-create it via the SSL manager which is a work around for now.

    Obviously it would be much better if we could have the auto renew working correctly in the near future  ;)

    Yep I'm in the same boat. I think the AutoSSL installs the certs in a different folder than (eg: the cron job is pointed at) is expecting it to be in.

    Thus we'll need an admin to have a look and provide a fix.

    I'm using AutoSSL for my SSLs (LetsEncrypt is unistalled) but they are not auto updating and are now less than 30 days till expiring.

    The cron job is there (15 0 * * * "/root/"/ --cron --home "/root/" > /dev/null) but it doesn't seem to have any effect. I can see the SSLs in the SSL vHost Manager & they work but if i run
    Code: [Select] --list 
    I get a blank output list
    Code: [Select]
    Main_Domain  KeyLength  SAN_Domains  Created  Renew
    I've also tried to force renew them using
    Code: [Select] --renew -d --force
    which returns
    Code: [Select]
    '' is not a issued domain, skip.
    I want the SSL's to auto update themselves but I'm not sure how to progress.

    Information / Re: Users website getting Connection refused.
    « on: June 26, 2017, 11:14:58 AM »
    Hi, nice to see another Aussie in here  :)

    Did you disable CFS to see if it causing the issue? Also I notice you're using CloudFlare for DNS, have you changed any settings there recently which might be affecting it? 

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