in next updates it will be solved.
Tried but did not work for me, restarted all services, and ran commands:
sh /scripts/mysql_phpmyadmin_update
sh /scripts/update_cwp
my config file: /usr/local/cwpsrv/var/services/pma/
/* Authentication type */
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie';
/* Server parameters */
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = 'localhost';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['compress'] = false;
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowNoPassword'] = false;
* phpMyAdmin configuration storage settings.
/* User used to manipulate with storage */
// $cfg['Servers'][$i]['controlhost'] = '';
// $cfg['Servers'][$i]['controlport'] = '';
// $cfg['Servers'][$i]['controluser'] = 'pma';
// $cfg['Servers'][$i]['controlpass'] = 'pmapass';
i noticed pma in that section should this be edited?
URL shows: :2087/pma/ and i see some stuff about pma above?