I am using Apache-Nginx as the webserver. I want to allow all the HTTP methods (PUT, DELETE) on a host by changing the vHost file. When I change that via the "WebServers Configuration Editor" to add a line, it reverts to the template file after a while.
I tried adding a configuration via the "Manage WebServers Configuration" page, but the "All_methods" tpl file does not work. I can't successfully restart the httpd service, it complains about the conf file. I tried cloning the default tpl file to create my own template, but I can't make it work with my web current web serv Apache_nginx.
As the last option, I tried to edit the default.tpl and default.stpl file, it worked but I am just surprised that its back to the orig file now!
You must avoid to change directly the vhosts/*.conf files.
They will always be overwritten when the webservers are rebuilt.
Instead of to change directly the vhosts conf files, you must create additional custom templates, simply copying and change them.
After that, you must apply the customized template to you site in CWP, "WebServers Domain Conf".
If you customize your webserver configuration, you *must* customize too the webserver templates in "/usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/conf/web_servers/", otherwise, they will always be overwritten when CWP is updated.
(check there your webservers files used)
The templates per-si are *always* overwritten when CWP is updated too. So, you *must* to create additional files in that directories, instead to change it.
Copy an existant file, change the name of the file, one for .conf and another for .ssl.conf (always two files, obligatorily). This is needed to the template is showed in the "WebServers Domain Conf".
You can check this link to do it:
http://wiki.centos-webpanel.com/webservers-vhost-templatesOne diverse way to avoid this customization above (in webserver templates) is to create your new custom files directly in 'conf.d' diretories of your webservers, avoiding to change the system config webserver files. You can use it, if possible.