Author Topic: 500 Internal Server Error - Fresh CentOS 7 install  (Read 15632 times)

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500 Internal Server Error - Fresh CentOS 7 install
« on: December 13, 2018, 02:06:54 PM »
Hi! How are you?
I'm having problems with php + apache, I believe.
I have a user and whenever I try to access the index.php this user appears 500 internal server error.

For days I'm trying to solve this problem, I'm a beginner in this universe so be gentle haha ;)

I have seen many solutions here in the forum and on other sites, but none of them worked for me.
Pages .html work normally, only php pages do not open (500 internal server error).

As I said, I've tried several things, but now I've done a new installation of CentOS 7 with CWP.
For now I just created the user and put an index.php page in /home/user/public_html
For the panel I corrected the permissions for this user.
In php.ini I increased the memory to 256M.
I'm not using .haccess ...

Apache version: Apache/2.4.34
PHP version: 5.6.37

If you want to see some log, please inform the way, as I said I'm a beginner and I really want to learn.

My vHost looks like this:
<VirtualHost IP:80>
    DocumentRoot "/home/maqtal/public_html"
    ServerAlias ​​
</ VirtualHost>

<Directory /home/maqtal/public_html>
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
    AllowOverride Options
    Order allow, deny
    allow from all
    Require all granted
    suPHP_UserGroup maqtal maqtal
</ Directory>

Some options in Directory I do not quite understand, I put it as I have seen elsewhere. If anyone can help, I'll be very grateful.

The content of index.php is:
Code: [Select]
<?php echo 'hi' ?>

Re: 500 Internal Server Error - Fresh CentOS 7 install
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2018, 08:20:09 AM »
Try to fix permission :

- Login to CWP.admin => UserAccounts => Fix Permissions :

Select user : <nobody>

=> to: your account name

Re: 500 Internal Server Error - Fresh CentOS 7 install
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2018, 12:05:14 PM »
Hey randyproxz how are you?
I had tried this and other things but I could not solve the problem.
After reinstalling everything by 3times it seems like everything is working normally.
Thank you for your attention and time.

Re: 500 Internal Server Error - Fresh CentOS 7 install
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2019, 01:32:48 AM »
Hi guys
Any solutions to this problem?
I've tried everything (i've reinstalled cwp 6 times too...)


Re: 500 Internal Server Error - Fresh CentOS 7 install
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2019, 04:03:11 AM »
Hi again
After trying everything, i conclude that the problem is using the default php5.6...
I just changed to v7.0 and puff...

Problem solved, no more HTTP ERROR 500!