Author Topic: Forced upgrade PHP-FPM  (Read 5799 times)

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Forced upgrade PHP-FPM
« on: December 17, 2018, 09:24:51 PM »
What the hell! honestly this shows on every screen and CWP is now dysfunctional. It says that the upgrade is optional but clearly isn't. Strange things are happening like I'm no longer CWP pro.. but was before this forced upgrade.

I tried to upgrade after days of nothing but the splash screen, but now all I have is a notice telling me that the progress is happening in the background... yeah right, 4 days on.

THIS IS BUSTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Forced upgrade PHP-FPM
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2018, 11:11:22 PM »
After much reading on the forum I see a lot of others complaining about this too. Why the hell hasn't this been given proper instructions, warnings, even a choice!!

Re: Forced upgrade PHP-FPM
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2018, 06:29:05 AM »
you can't skip rebuild of webservers steep as it's required by user panel and admin to know how to handle new accounts/domains/subdomains.
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Re: Forced upgrade PHP-FPM
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2019, 10:07:43 PM »
I agree. This really sucks. Everything gets stuck on php-fpm installation. Skipping doesn't work.
I can't install php-fpm as long as cwp-pro isn't running. After a centos reinstall, I can't get no cwp-pro green button.
So I guess I have to wait until the pro version gets reinstalled. There is no way to do this manually. Meanwhile, my server is exposed to the bad world, because I can't install CSF firewall.

Please go back tot the previous system because this really doesn't work and previously it worked out of the box.

Re: Forced upgrade PHP-FPM
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2019, 12:53:18 PM »
Having an interface that asks something is ok...
But if you upgrade and do stuff in that direction, hell unleashes...
Sites go down, internal server errors, scrips won't work.
Stay safe, do not upgrade to php fpm.