1. Go WebServer Settings > Select WebServers and select Nginx Only.
2. Go PHP Settings > PHP-FPM Selector and choose PHP-FPM latest version (mine is 7.3)
3. cd /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/conf/web_servers/vhosts/nginx/php-fpm and edit force-https.stpl and default.stpl default.tpl and add into the / block
location / {
......lots of stuff....
# WordPress permalinks in Nginx
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;
......lots of stuff....
4. Go WebServers Settings > WebServers Main Conf and select PHP-FPM, force-https, 7.3, force-https and default. Rebuild all hosts.
5. Go check in /etc/nginx/conf.d/vhosts/ that your domains have the try_files clause.
6. Hit your domain on http and it should re-direct to https. Click a menu item (not home page) and it should bring up the correct page instead of a 404.
7. Permalinks now work. /page/
8. If you update CWP version then you have to do all this again. I can do it in a couple of minutes now after updating.