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Messages - barney

Pages: [1]
"Type conection cron FTP
2023-04-12 08:08:53 connection FTP successful
2023-04-12 08:08:53 Put file from /home/tmp_bak/.backup_temp/aprajafa/aprajafa.tar.gz TO /full/manual/accounts/aprajafa.tar.gz
2023-04-12 08:08:53 Failed to upload file "/home/tmp_bak/.backup_temp/aprajafa/aprajafa.tar.gz" in /full/manual/accounts/aprajafa.tar.gz. Check connection with FTP server
2023-04-12 08:08:53 Error in Update aprajafa.tar.gz"

Destination FTP server IP whitelisted. Ports open, 2304 included. The new backup feature has been working for years, something happened on February 07, 2024. Since all my servers experiencing issues. The destination FTPs are hosted on Hetzner Store Box and OVH dedicated both are experiencing issus. Never before. What logs shall I share?

I have the same problem on 15+ CWP PRO servers. Has anybody come up with any solution to this?

Pages: [1]