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Messages - Starburst

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CWP API / Re: Whmcs - Module Create Failed
« on: January 03, 2021, 08:05:24 PM »
I think you might have just found your problem.

WHMCS logs into another server to create the account.
You need to have the IP assigned to WHMCS whitelisted, so it can connect without problems.
In the CWP API all you need to do is check WHMCS and the IP of the WHMCS server.

Since you are trying to do everything on the same server, that could be the problem.

For security it's always recommended you have separate servers.
If a user gains access to root, they would have access to your emails and WHMCS database. Plus more.

It doesn't matter if your using Apache or Nginx.

CentOS-WebPanel Bugs / 503 Bad Gateway - cwpsrv
« on: December 31, 2020, 12:39:48 AM »
After CWP runs an update and you try to login, it gives a "503 Bad Gateway - cwpsrv"

Logged into ssh, and restarted cwpsrv, but no joy.

Have to restart the server every time after a recent update to get CWP accessible again.

Just started with the update, also just happened now with the update.

CWP API / Re: Whmcs - Module Create Failed
« on: December 26, 2020, 05:54:44 PM »
Which CWP module for CWP are you using?

There are 2 out there for some reason.

We are using WHMCS 8.0.4 with CWP Servers running

This is the module you should be using: dated 30MAR20.

Need any help, just ask.

Updates / Re: CentOS 7 Update to CentOS 8 Stream
« on: December 16, 2020, 04:49:42 PM »

I've heard about the news of CentOS 7 EoL in 2024. Just wondering if there will be a way to upgrade to CentOS 8 Stream, keeping all CWP configuration + data in place?

Would be nice if there is an easy upgrade path as migrating everything over to a new machine is a pain in the neck.

From first hand experience, there is no way to go from CentOS 7 to CentOS 8 or Stream.
We had to bring up new servers and the use the migration tool built into CWP.

That being said, studio4host is correct. CWP is written primarily for CentOS 7.
And since that support doesn't end until 2024, I would wait and see what happens with Rocky and CloudLinux.

Just my 2 cents.

CentOS-WebPanel Bugs / Re: IPv6 keeps dissapearing
« on: December 13, 2020, 04:21:24 PM »
Did the custom template, after restarting, the IP vanished again.
So I hard coded them into the template.

Problem is, I can access the IPv6 OK, but others can't.

I tried to even disable csf/lfd and Mod_Security to see if there was a config problem.
There are no other firewalls in place.

Others still can not connect to the IPv6.

I'm out of ideas now.

CentOS-WebPanel Bugs / Re: IPv6 keeps dissapearing
« on: December 13, 2020, 03:06:52 PM »
well you need to create your own custom template and apply it to your user domains, in this way changes will be retained.

I see "%ip%:%apache_port%"

Where can I find what to put to IPv6?
Would it be - [%ipv6%]:%apache_port%

CentOS-WebPanel Bugs / IPv6 keeps dissapearing
« on: December 12, 2020, 09:44:21 PM »
It happened today again... When I checked the website with a browser, it went to the default page.

Looked at the vhost conf files, and the IPv6 that was manually entered was GONE, AGAIN.   >:(

Running CWPpro on CentOS 8.3.2011

Information / Re: Now that CentOS is on a dead end path...
« on: December 12, 2020, 09:37:34 PM »

cloudlinux is not an easy install.  There are lots of steps to get it up and running.  Linode, DO, Vultr etc etc do not offer cloudlinux as a standard VPS o/s.

But allot do other Custom ISO uploads like DO, Vultr, etc.
Vultr offers both CentOS 8 and CentOS Stream currently, besides the above.

From what I've heard they are waiting and seeing what happens.

Information / Re: Now that CentOS is on a dead end path...
« on: December 11, 2020, 10:31:21 PM »
well don't worry we'll support centos 8 stream

Awesome to hear that, I wonder how stable Centos Stream will wind up being.

I had just switched everything over to CentOS 8 also.

As for the constant Free, I've been using Debian on my personal stuff since the late 90's...

And I do remember when Redhat was free. is hopefully coming out sooner than later, From the founder of CentOS.

Yea, Rocky Linux just announced their start when RedHat announced CentOS. So did CloudLinux, which has a leg up, since they already have a modified version of RedHat.

Knew something was gonna happen when IBM bought RedHat, but thought it would stay there.

With how long FreeBSD has been around, you would think it would have a control panel other than Webmin though.
Plesk and ISPConfig supports Debian/Ubuntu, but cPanel only supports CentOS. So it's going to be interesting.

Information / Re: Now that CentOS is on a dead end path...
« on: December 11, 2020, 08:47:32 PM »
CWP works on CentOS Stream 8 OK.

CentOS 7 isn't fully EOL until 2024.

CloudLinux is talking about releasing a free version also based on RHEL.

Go figure all this happened 2 weeks after we migrated over to CentOS 8.
Which just had a major dot release from 8.2.2004 to 8.3.2003.

This isn't the first time RedHat has done this.
RedHat use to be a free version of Linux, then I think back in 2002 they went paid, and release Fedora as the free version.
Or you could use Mandrake, which went to some other name due to some stupid lawsuit.

Only constant with Free Linux distros has been FreeBSD. All others have come and gone.

Yes, all its ok, the person who think in ipv6...its for kill...hehehe.

In the ifcfg-eth0 file I had to add:
IPV6ADDR_SECONDARIES="2605:a140:2045:8941::2 2605:a140:2045:8941::3 2605:a140:2045:8941::4 2605:a140:2045:8941:0:30:40b7:f60d"
(Just to start)
This is just that you was need for work with ipv6, config in ifcfg-eth0, only in this.
In the vhost files, with /64 I think its sufficient for work.

I'm very glad it works for you, and if I could be of help, all the better.

For some reason, if the address isn't listed there, the server doesn't ressond to it, and in turn CWP doesn't.

Updates / Re: MariaDB update failed
« on: December 11, 2020, 05:07:18 AM »

Go thru the steps again, make sure NOT to miss one or else it will mess everything up.
Especially Step 2. You want to follow the 2nd step labeled "For MariaDB 10.0/10.1/10.2/10.3 :", and NOT the 1st one.

I've used this guide on multiple servers, never had a problem.
If it still doesn't work. I agree with Igor, you'll have to have CWP support look at it.

CentOS 8 is a little easier, it has 10.4 by default.
You create the repo for 10.5, run dnf update and BAM that's it.

I want to kill the person who thought up IPv6...

So the IPv6 allocation is 2605:a140:2045:8941::1/64

Now normally with IPv4 the system is smart enough to understand (the whole network range) that it goes from 2605:a140:2045:8941::1 to 2605:a140:2045:8941::ffff

But NO. Doesn't seem to do that with IPv6, unless I missed some simple step.
And if I did, please let me know!

In the ifcfg-eth0 file I had to add:
IPV6ADDR_SECONDARIES="2605:a140:2045:8941::2 2605:a140:2045:8941::3 2605:a140:2045:8941::4 2605:a140:2045:8941:0:30:40b7:f60d"
(Just to start)

Once I did, BAM, it worked.

Running CWPpro on CentOS 8.3.2011
(Yes, we just finished migrating 2 weeks ago - Fraking IBM/RedHat)

Do you have a snapshot your can restore to?
That sounds like your best bet.

Did you install/activate ClamAV and anti-spam via CWP?

@Wonder did everything you suggested, but still not working.

I have a /64 allocation, and used a tool for a certain IP (Just copied the IPv4 into the IPv6 - lol)

Specified that IP [2605:a140:2045:8941:0:30:40b7:f60d]:80 and :443

You have the port's outside the IP bracket.
Created the AAAA record.
Restarted Apache.

But when I try to connect, just using the IP [2605:a140:2045:8941:0:30:40b7:f60d], it isn't working.

Also when I look at the .conf files, the IPv6 is gone.

Do I need to rebuild the webserver?

Any suggestions?


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