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Messages - adamjedgar

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CentOS 7 Problems / error 403 Forbidden
« on: April 19, 2019, 11:04:43 AM »
I have researched this forum under the above and found more than a dozen forum posts about it.

Not one of them offers any kind of solution and not one of them has ever been marked as resolved. This leads me to think that every one of these people has dumped this panel and gone somewhere else due to not solution. Its time that stopped and a working list of possible methods of resolving this issue is documented here!

So with the above in mind FFS dont answer if you havent got a reasonable suggestion on how to problem solve this.

For those who come back with the usual "check the logs"...

1. the logs i have checked are empty of anything related to the above error
2. I am running nginx, which logs should i search for errors relating to the above?

None of the websites on a brand new server of them throw this exact same error.

I have disabled and uninstalled mod security,
I have disabled all firewalls
I have changed web servers from nginx to apache...doesnt do anything.
I have hard reset the VPS, no change.
selinux is disabled

There is something in a central location that is independant of nginx and apache that is doing this...but i for the life of me cannot figure out what it is?

I am not sure what else i can do?

CentOS-WebPanel Bugs / Re: Wordpress installation issue
« on: April 17, 2019, 09:18:35 PM »
I also have pro version...just got it about 1 week ago.

I think you will find the password in wp-config is seems right until you realise cwp hasnt copied the full password into said file that is generated by script installler.

When i manually copied and pasted the full script installer generated password into wp-config, everything then proceedes correctly with wordpress login (ie database error is resolved)...i have not once needed to change anything in the database. i have done this a dozen times in just 1 week to i know exactly what is wrong and how to workaround it.

100% the script installer is not inputting the full password into wp-config.php as it should to correlate with the password the script added to the database.

I would say the number of characters in the auto generated password exceeds the variable field character limit (or type) set by whoever coded this in the first place. The difference with the database being it probably has the correct vaeiable limits for this field and therefore allows full password to be insertedautomatically saves and therefore correctly has password...but this does not match because wp-config has a shortened (cutoff) version of same password.

This fundamentally could not possibly have worked...i cannot understand how it even got released for public use for cwp7... clearly no one tested it to ensure it still works in this version?

Installation / Allowed IP's not set or you don't have access from IP
« on: April 17, 2019, 12:24:19 AM »
I am trying to setup CWP API manager for billing module (Blesta).

I have Allowed New API access
Short Name = Blesta
IP Origin = <server IP> (where Blesta billing is installed)
Key Code = (the key given me by CWP)
Request = Json

I have copied the appropriate details into the Blesta Module, however the module is returning the following error

Allowed API's not set or you dont have access from IP : <blesta installation IP> (server where blesta is installed)

The Blesta developers believe there is a bug in the Allow API access is not functioning correctly?

I have disabled all security from CWP GUI and the error still exists!

Is there anyone here that has the knowledge to offer advice on this problem?

How do i fix this?

CentOS-WebPanel Bugs / Re: Ioncube Loader PHP 7.2
« on: April 15, 2019, 08:46:08 PM »
In Virtualmin, a competitor of CSP, the whmcs script automatically installs ioncube loaders.

One would have hoped that this would also be the case with CWP?

CentOS-WebPanel Bugs / Re: Wordpress installation issue
« on: April 15, 2019, 08:39:58 PM »
This fix still isnt woeking properly...if the fix has even heen done yet.

Cwp still cannot setup WordPress using one click installer...It stuffs up copying the wp database password into wp-config.php and therefore throws a "cannot connect to database error".

In order to sort the problem, a user has to manually input the correct password (generated/created by user using script installer) into wp-config.

It's hard to understand how this fundamental error got through testing because WordPress cannot install/run as long as the wp-config file password is always wrong.

PHP / Re: Issue with IonCube Loader for PHP Version 7.3.2
« on: April 15, 2019, 08:24:36 PM »
I suggest you read up on what ioncube is and where it comes from...It is not part of the open source php project. Fundamentally different philosophies.

CentOS-WebPanel Bugs / Re: All sorts of weird things happening.
« on: April 15, 2019, 02:58:47 PM »
Also, how did your user install WordPress?

If it was using the one click installer in cwp...It does not work properly anyway and I get thus error with every user account trying to install WordPress from cwp.

This in my case is always because cwp script stuffs up the automatically or manually generated password  copy process and adds the stuffed up password to the WordPress wp-config.php file.

This means on every installation of WordPress on my cwp server, it immediately throws a cannot connect to database error.

In my case, fix is easy...manually edit the wp-config.php file password to exactly match the one that was input into the one click installer script. Or set a new password  and use that one for the wp-config.php...Then it works.

This problem should not happen in cwp...and I have grumbled about it for a while, however no one at cwp can be bothered fixing it and so the problem remains! The one click installer is useless.

In some of the Google searches, this error seems to be related to an incorrect line of php code.

This would suggest the problem is in CWP itself?

I am getting this warning/error repeated over and over in my server logs?

Is this fixable in CWP? its filling my logs up with complete rubbish that i dont want or need to see!

[error] 15790#0: *2447 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Warning:  Division by zero in /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/admin/addons/ajax/ajax_gauges.php on line 0" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: localhost, request: "POST /cwp_856158d2310f86179e3b7627e6f940a9/admin/loader_ajax.php?ajax=gauges HTTP/1.1"

CentOS-WebPanel GUI / Change Root Password doesnt work
« on: April 11, 2019, 11:01:47 AM »
Hi guys,
from the CWP gui, i decided to change my root password Server Settings> Change Root Password.

I entered my new password (numerals and letters 12 characters in total),
I then logged out,
attempted to log in again using the new doesnt work!

Imagine my suprise when the old password is still the active one???

Any ideas on what is going on and why the change password function isnt working?

Information / How to Configure Blesta to work with CWP
« on: April 11, 2019, 09:22:31 AM »
Hi guys,
I am not sure if this forum can help, however, i have Blesta (alternative to whmcs) and am trying to configure the Blesta CWP module to automatically provision webhosting services on my CWP VPS.

There is no documentation that i can find that explains how to configure the module so that it communicates with CWP.

Does anyone have a simple guide on how to setup Blesta with CWP? (note i have alread installed the module in Blesta, i just need to have a very easy guide to configure it to work)

thanks for that.

Hi guys,
in my dashboard monitor, i notice that it shows:


apache webserver = active (httpd.service web server apache "loaded" and "running")
niginx reverse proxy = active

In webserver settings, i have chosen only to run nginx as the webserver by itself.

Can i shut down and disable apache here? Or is this actually running nginx as the webserver but displaying it in dashboard monitor list as "apache"? If it is showing this way, why is nginx also showing up as a reverse proxy when i did not select that option under web server settings?

I am also running cgroups. Is this why apache has started up even though its not selected as a webserver?


I am compiling php72-fpm from the selector in the background.

It is using 100% of my available cpu for the root user.
Is there a way that i can prevent these kinds of tasks from using all available CPU? (or do i not have to worry about this as centos will automatically ensure that webserver processes and websites still function ok?)

CentOS-WebPanel Bugs / Re: Wordpress installation issue
« on: April 07, 2019, 08:50:17 PM »
What annoys the shit out of me about this...We have been told something was fixed when it has not been.
That seems to happen a lot with this panel...I have a brand new install of Centos web panel that cannot install WordPress because of this exact problem.
If developers are too busy to fix this and a lot of other problems that never actually get resolved even after we are given the usual "This has been fixed in the next release", I wonder what they are actually being busy with...parties, playing computer games and watching YouTube?

I am frankly getting sick and tired of the constant stream of half truths and lies. If a person can't trust the free version of this program with basic functionality issues and instability, how can they be expected to support the project and buy the pro version?

In the meantime, a workaround might be to get customers to try to use installation remote to setup WordPress.

Before installing cwp,
You need to go to your "vps provider" control panel>network/firewall settings and ensure that tcp ports used by cwp are open (port 2030 being one of them).
You won't be able to log into the panel if you don't do this!

This has nothing to do with the default apache cwp page. That page is on port 80 and by default will most likely already have been op3ned for you by your vps provider network/firewall settings. Custom ports like 2030 will not be open by default.
It also has nothing to do with ssh port 22...which would also be already open by default.

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