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Messages - adamjedgar

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SSL / Re: SSL hostname Issue
« on: September 16, 2019, 10:21:54 PM »
are you using ivp6?
If so, disable that and try again.

Did you use the WordPress script installer or install WordPress using the "famous wordpress 5 minute install"

Stick with it, this panel is far from perfect but honestly it's improving all the time. It has a beautiful interface for users and many issues are fixed.
I haven't experi3nced the issue in deleting user accounts mine in the past was working ok. Having said that I rarely have to delete them So it could be a problem I don't know I have in an update.

If you are interested in comparing panels look at

Virtualmin is by far the most feature rich of them all, however its user interface is incredibly difficult to find things with (too many options)

Vestacp, a very easy to use panel but a bit too limited in features in my opinion.

Ispconfig has no file manager

SSL / Re: is there a way to autoinstall ssl certificates
« on: September 09, 2019, 04:43:00 PM »
 Except that the automatic renewal function is not working properly and in 3 months time you will have to manually click on the renewal button to update the certificate. The CWP workaround methods I have read for this are so bizarre even I (with 6 years experience in web servers) cannot make sense of it!

Honestly, I don't understand how CWP could make such a simple process so damned method even talks about rebooting the server for SSL updates....why this has nothing to do with ssl. Imagine a server with 100 users on it, are they all going to reboot bloody server every time they want to update SSL cert?

Updates / Re: Anacron <root@domain.guest>
« on: September 02, 2019, 10:49:33 AM »
Hi, why are you sure it developers bad? Are you system administrator maybe?
Listen, CWP using thousands of servers with no a problem ;) I guess you have broken something.

Because I also run another competing control panel (Virtualmin professional) on a second webserver and I don't have half the bloody trouble with Virtualmin that I have with Centos Web panel.

Also, the amount of stupid issues that this panel has immediately after new updates is mind boggling.

I stick with this panel because it's interface design is really nice and you guys are slowly steming the almost endless flow of bugs. My hope is that the update testing before release will improve...and at that point my faith in using this panel for production webserver will be greatly improved. Right now I am sitting on a ticking time bomb and never know when it's going to go off...leaving me with non functioning cwp, websites, and really shitty clients! I sincerely hope that day when the time bomb goes off, never comes for me. I always run updates regularly, don't make any customizations to cwp...this server is always as it was when installed, so I didn't break anything. Only updates break it!

CentOS-WebPanel GUI / Re: I love this control panel
« on: August 27, 2019, 10:15:31 PM »
I think the most recent changes to the panel are a real step forwards and I am becoming a strong convert to CWP. Even the file manager is now cataloging files alphabetically (something i have been complaining about for ages).
I am going to wait until next year before i transfer any serious domains across to it to allow a little more time for maturity, for now i am leaving those on Virtualmin, however, I absolutely love the interface design...its fabulous and a credit to the developers.
I am a little afraid however that once they get the bugs ironed out, they will suddenly dump a huge price increase onto us because the argument will be its as good as cpanel. I sincerely hope that never happens.

CentOS 7 Problems / Re: High MySQL Cpu Usage
« on: August 17, 2019, 10:33:55 AM »
 :in 3 years of running virtualmin, do you know how many times I have alterred/edited the myconf file?


And that is my point.

Having a said that, the innodb buffer size seems rather large for one site on the server.
In relation to the rest of that file...The question is, how did it end up like that in the first place if the O.P didn't change it himself?(If he did fair enough, but if not, then how did it end up messed up in the first place?)

Don't get me wrong, I love this's a beautiful interface, unfortunately I just don't trust it enough for production websites at present. One example of why is little things like this thread. Another is the built in file manager still cannot list files in alphabetical order which doesnt inspire a great degree of faith in its programmers...If you cannot program the file manager interface to list files alphabetically what else can't you do???

CentOS 7 Problems / Re: High MySQL Cpu Usage
« on: August 15, 2019, 08:03:03 PM »
Why should users who already PAY for CWP Pro version be also paying again for help from support?

I have to think that things in CWP are intentionally cocked up in order to force users to pay for support all the time.

You really have to stop doing that all eventually you will lose your client base to other more honest panel developers like Virtualmin. That would be a real shame because cwp is a nice looking panel.
Instead of paid support for CWP Pro, just increase yearly fee a bit...I would be quite happy to pay a little extra upfront for included support...but not $8 every time a cockup you make needs rectifying!

CentOS 7 Problems / Re: Mysql High CPU , all my Websites are down
« on: August 15, 2019, 07:58:02 PM »
 :if he us running a WordPress sites (or 3 of them), how is he supposed to do that?

Isn't there better advice on this? Is the problem that server simply isn't big enough now to handle so many posts?
 Perhaps he needs to archive some of the old posts?

Can someone provide a more in depth explanation of why this is happening to the O.P

CentOS 7 Problems / Re: 503 service unavailable
« on: August 15, 2019, 07:51:33 PM »

CentOS 7 Problems / Re: 503 service unavailable
« on: August 14, 2019, 05:27:23 PM »
Perhaps this is your prpblem and the solution...

 server reached max_children setting (4), consider raising it

CentOS-WebPanel Bugs / Cron and anacron errors for ioncube loader
« on: August 06, 2019, 09:28:58 PM »
how can we disable this useless warning gets emailed to me every morning. I dont want to disable the emails, howevever, an email containing content telling me ioncube loader is already loaded is plain ridiculous!


Cannot load the ionCube PHP Loader - it was already loaded

============= CentOS Web Panel Cron ================

Firewall Flush Daily Blocks

Update Server Packages
Cannot load the ionCube PHP Loader - it was already loaded
Cannot load the ionCube PHP Loader - it was already loaded
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart cwpsrv.service
Cannot load the ionCube PHP Loader - it was already loaded

Date which backup script is using: 2019-08-06 17:33:23

Other / Re: CWP support worth every penney
« on: July 24, 2019, 07:24:58 PM »
 Except that most of the time developer cockup are what create the issues in the first place!
So people are having to pay for premium support to get update stuffups made by cwp developers repaired.

That is hardly a desirable reason for getting premium support! It also ignores the standard philosophy behind the term "manufacturers warranty".

CentOS-WebPanel GUI / Re: Does "CWPpro Terminal" work for you?
« on: July 14, 2019, 11:00:20 AM »
It has never worked for me either...I just assumed one day it may work (ie it's a works in progress kinda thing) and have used the simple one instead.

What is the difference between the two?

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