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Messages - 6Sense

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Suggestions / Re: ssl everywhere with apache varnish nginx
« on: December 31, 2016, 12:45:53 PM »
Yes please, this would make CWP even more AWESOME  :)

I have previously played around with the vhost files and gotten nginx reverse proxy to handle the https traffic thus it's possible. It took me days to research and I lost the config when I had to move servers. It would be nice to have this performance boost at the click of a button after all the https website frontier is already upon us.


Updates / Re: Wordpress/WooCommerce recommending SQL 5.6
« on: July 08, 2016, 03:46:53 PM »
Ok I think I'll pluck up the courage to change over to MaraDB. Do I just use the 3 commands I found in the following link

Once I perform the above do I just import the databases I saved earlier using PHP Admin?

Updates / Re: Wordpress/WooCommerce recommending SQL 5.6
« on: June 29, 2016, 01:20:23 AM »
Thanks but migrating from MySQL with a working WordPress/WooCommerce shop to what is an unknown to me sounds risky and scary. I've never worked with MariaDB before and changing to it will bring a new learning curve & could mean huge headaches, lengthy downtime with lost revenue.

Do you think one day they will upgrade SQL?

Updates / Re: Wordpress/WooCommerce recommending SQL 5.6
« on: June 27, 2016, 12:18:15 AM »
Thanks for the reply Sandeep. MariaDB is unfamiliar to me so I'm a little nervous about trying to integrate it into my server (I have 3 WordPress sites it would affect).

Is WebPanel looking to eventually upgrade SQL versions?

Cause if it's not even compatible with the current WordPress version it's officially obsolete.

Updates / Wordpress/WooCommerce recommending SQL 5.6
« on: June 22, 2016, 04:11:36 PM »
Hi All,

I just updated my WordPress site to WooCommerce 2.6.1 and it is now recommending an update to at least SQL 5.6 (currently 5.1). I run a standard CentOS/CWP set up with Nginx & Varnish & running PHP 5.6 on a small VPS.

Should I be thinking about upgrading to SQL 5.6? Does CWP work with SQL 5.6 and is there a trusted step by step guide?

I found this link in the forums which seems easy, maybe too easy I thought. I need easy steps as my talents are in webdesign not server admin.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

OK thanks for the quick answer.

I value the varnish cache so I will leave the sites on http & will look out for any future updates.

Cheers :)

Hi, I have SSL's installed on my wordpress sites but only use https on the business pages (Account page & Checkout etc). I also make use of the default Varnish + Nginx reverse proxy setup doing its wonderful work with delivering web content in a speedy fashion.

If I force SLL across all my sites pages (I'm hearing this can help your google rank) will I loose the performance benefits of the Varnish + Nginx reverse proxy setup and if so is there a work around?

PS New to CWP and loving it btw :)

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