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Messages - adiif1

Pages: [1]
Information / Some question about CWP
« on: November 18, 2024, 03:30:45 AM »

I'm reaching out with a question about the best way to approach website management.
I'm currently the only person with access and managing it—so, just one user in total.
+- 4-5 domain max without mail and dns lol, ( I have CWP PRO )

Is it necessary to create an additional user and assign them the domain?
Or is the admin account solely for managing the "system," while user accounts are specifically for managing the websites?
Should the admin account only be used to set everything up once and then leave it alone?

The panel seems pretty decent, but the GUI is absolutely HORRIBLE for modern standards...

Installation / CWP without dns and mail
« on: November 16, 2024, 08:59:34 PM »

I’m reaching out with a question: is there a safe way to "disable" or "remove" the bind and email from the server?

I’m using DNS from Cloudflare and Gmail from OVH, so I’d like to get rid of these options from the panel.

Thank you!

Pages: [1]