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Messages - seascoot

Pages: [1]
Apache / Re: Logrotate domlogs
« on: June 12, 2024, 06:26:14 PM »
I know this is an old thread, but posting this in case it helps others with the same issue.

I got the error when creating a config file from the CWP user panel "edit content" file link.  It was solved by pasting the directives into Notepad**, going to Edit>EOL Conversion>Unix (LF), saving the file, then uploading in the user panel file manger interface.

If you do this but still see the error you have a syntax issue.

« on: May 21, 2024, 06:39:26 PM »
I am also unable to get the module to display in the user cpanel.

However, if installed with correct permissions (by using file manger from the admin panel and uploading to the folders reflected in the unzipped module file download) it is possible to access the module by adding:
to the end of the user panel dashboard URL so that it becomes panelURL/?module=deploymodule

We are very soon to release the first stable version of cwp9, possibly in the next few days we will look for some enthusiasts to control some close tests, surely all this will be announced in due course by this means!

Great news!  Where exactly will the closed test announcement be made.  In this forum, in which section?


I'd like to start doing some testing on a Centos 9 platform.  Are we looking at Spring of 2024 for a CWP release, or could it be earlier?

The 8 character validation is only for html.
You should change the property: maxlength = "8"
By maxlength = "n"
The number you need.
It just worked for me.

@nftsaavedra is correct.

Instead of trying to find the admin html/php to edit the maxlength values (which could get overwritten in an update anyway), I went in to my browser Inspection panel by right clicking each form input box, then edited the maxlength value from there for the database and username to allow it to save the longer names.

This 7 character limit does make it more difficult to import databases from other hosts that allow more characters.  Here's another vote for getting this changes in CWP for Centos 7 and upcoming 8.

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