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Installation / Re: Alma instalation
« Last post by driftwood on January 22, 2025, 05:11:33 PM »
I installed Alma 8.2 only yesterday and everything seem to be working fine here.
Installation / Re: More info about apps please?
« Last post by driftwood on January 22, 2025, 05:09:21 PM »
Oh I see, looks like the forum must have been hacked at some time because didn't put that in there.
Installation / Re: More info about apps please?
« Last post by driftwood on January 22, 2025, 05:06:08 PM »
What? I'm more human than most people I assure you.
This has been addressed previously:

Or simply:
Code: [Select]
mount proc -o remount,hidepid=0
systemctl restart polkit.service

(Also consider upgrading to AlmaLinux 8 or 9.)
Installation / Re: More info about apps please?
« Last post by overseer on January 22, 2025, 04:48:57 PM »
Are you a bot or human? Why does your signature have an advertisement for Cialis?

I use Alma linux 9.5 and CWP…

I have completed all the settings, including SSL, and created an email account, I can send and receive messages via the web (Roundcube Webmail) and port 25 and 110, but it doesn't work through the email client when I use the corresponding SSL ports, where am I wrong?

When setting up email to work with SSL, I get this error:


I deleted a user  and creating a new user several times due to some problems and now we get to:

rDNS/PTR = FAILED, check with your hosting provider! FAILED

I have talked to my provider, this rDNS worked before when I used Centos 7, now at the beginning with AL 9, but when deleting and creating a new user it was that moment I noticed it...

Thanks in advance!


Installation / More info about apps please?
« Last post by driftwood on January 22, 2025, 01:37:32 PM »
I've installed the latest version of CWP

I've often seen the apps script but never bothered to use them but I'm getting old and lazy now so I thought I would give them ago.

I logged into the user account and picked SMF to install, I filled in all the info and the thing seem to finish but when I when the site it was clear although the database had been created the was no data in it.

So I suspect the are other things I need to do in the Root Admin to make this work?
Other / Ten Years - Big thank you to all the staff & members
« Last post by driftwood on January 22, 2025, 01:20:56 PM »
I recently installed CWP after not having an installation for a year - Doing a lot of moving.

I wanted to come on here thank everyone who have worked on CWP and helped in this forum and then while updating my profile email address I noticed I first joined this forum in March 2015.

I'm very impressed with the progress made during that time and even from my last install to the latest. Well done everyone.
Information / Re: SSL not creating certs on new domain addition
« Last post by Namaste on January 22, 2025, 09:40:52 AM »
So, after 24 hours, linode is having some other issues at the time, support answered me and told me that spaceship has DNSSEC enabled on all of their domains.  The further explained that linode dns manager does not support dnssec.

Any thoughts about this anyone
Information / Re: SSL not creating certs on new domain addition
« Last post by venty on January 22, 2025, 07:14:03 AM »
It was a LINODE PROBLEM.  I changed my dns to spaceship and immediately got a new certificate.


Please explain: LINODE PROBLEM? and dns to spaceship?

Thanks in advance!

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