Author Topic: Auto Start Shoutcast  (Read 16916 times)

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Auto Start Shoutcast
« on: April 30, 2015, 03:23:52 AM »
How to auto start Shoutcast service after reboot..?

Re: Auto Start Shoutcast
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2015, 11:46:49 AM »
you can add it in the /etc/rc.local as a custom scripts.
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Re: Auto Start Shoutcast
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2015, 07:11:10 PM »
Good afternoon everyone. I am of Florianopolis SC Brazil and I'm having a hard time by the shoutcast web panel hundreds of auto start . I do not have much knowledge in ssh most know the basics and without someone could teach me what code to put him self start . thank you all now.

Re: Auto Start Shoutcast
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2015, 11:53:08 AM »
Manage SHOUTcast Server and Create Daemon script

The command used to manage SHOUTcast radio server is the binary file itself, which must be run from its installation path location in order to be
able to read configuration file. To run the server as a daemon use daemon command option.

You can also instruct the server to read its configurations from a different location by indicating where the configuration file resides, but be advised
that using this option requires the creation of logs and control directories, which can be confusing in practice and can lead to server inability to start.

Code: [Select]
$ pwd  ## Assure that you are in the right installation directory - /home/radio/server

$ ./sc_serv   ## Start the server in foreground – Hit Ctrl + c to stop

$ ./sc_serv daemon  ## Start the server as a daemon

$ Ps aux | grep sc_serv   ## Get Server PID

$ killall sc_serv  ## Stop server daemon

Shoutcast Start Script

 If you need a simplified command to start or stop SHOUTcast radio server, login as root again and create the following executable script on /usr/local/bin/ path as in the example below.

Code: [Select]
$ su -
# nano /usr/local/bin/radio

Now add the following excerpt to radio file.

Code: [Select]
case $1 in
cd /home/radio/server/
./sc_serv &
killall sc_serv
cd /home/radio/server/
./sc_serv daemon
echo "Usage radio start|stop"

Shoutcast Binary Start Script

After the file was created, make it executable, exit root account and a new command shout be available for your SHOUTcast radio server management.

Code: [Select]
# chmod +x /usr/local/bin/radio
# exit

To manage the server from now on, use radio command with the following switches.

Code: [Select]
$ radio start_daemon ## Starts SHOUTcast server as a daemon

$ radio start                   ## Starts SHOUTcast server in foreground

$ radio stop                    ## Stops SHOUTcast server

Start Stop Shoutcast

If you want to automatically start the server after reboot, but only on user login (in this case the server was installed on the local user named radio) issue the following command from radio account home path, then logout and login again to verify the functionality, as presented in the screenshot below.

Code: [Select]
$ whoami 
$ echo “radio start_daemon” >> ~/.bashrc

Start Shoutcast at Reboot

That’s it! Now, SHOUTcast server is ready to receive sound or playlists from remote media players such as Winamp from Windows and Mixxx from Linux and broadcast all of the received audio content over Internet.