Author Topic: Apache Compiler  (Read 65039 times)

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Apache Compiler
« on: October 12, 2014, 01:39:11 AM »
In your CWP from version 0.9.6 you will have Apache recompiler and you can modify apache modules according to your needs.

Additional Modules:
  • mod H264 and FLV streaming  - Installing mods H264 and FLV streaming means you can seek to any position during video, and browser (flash player) will buffer only from this position to the end.

Short List of features/modules
Code: [Select]
Optional Features:
  --disable-option-checking  ignore unrecognized --enable/--with options
  --disable-FEATURE       do not include FEATURE (same as --enable-FEATURE=no)
  --enable-FEATURE[=ARG]  include FEATURE [ARG=yes]
  --enable-v4-mapped      Allow IPv6 sockets to handle IPv4 connections
  --enable-exception-hook Enable fatal exception hook
                          Turn on debugging and compile time warnings
  --enable-pie            Build httpd as a Position Independent Executable
                          Space-separated list of modules to enable | "all" |
                          Space-separated list of shared modules to enable |
                          "all" | "most"
  --disable-authn-file    file-based authentication control
  --enable-authn-dbm      DBM-based authentication control
  --enable-authn-anon     anonymous user authentication control
  --enable-authn-dbd      SQL-based authentication control
  --disable-authn-default authentication backstopper
  --enable-authn-alias    auth provider alias
  --disable-authz-host    host-based authorization control
                          'require group' authorization control
  --disable-authz-user    'require user' authorization control
  --enable-authz-dbm      DBM-based authorization control
  --enable-authz-owner    'require file-owner' authorization control
  --enable-authnz-ldap    LDAP based authentication
  --disable-authz-default authorization control backstopper
  --disable-auth-basic    basic authentication
  --enable-auth-digest    RFC2617 Digest authentication
  --enable-isapi          isapi extension support
  --enable-file-cache     File cache
  --enable-cache          dynamic file caching
  --enable-disk-cache     disk caching module
  --enable-mem-cache      memory caching module
  --enable-dbd            Apache DBD Framework
  --enable-bucketeer      buckets manipulation filter
  --enable-dumpio         I/O dump filter
  --enable-echo           ECHO server
  --enable-example        example and demo module
  --enable-case-filter    example uppercase conversion filter
  --enable-case-filter-in example uppercase conversion input filter
  --enable-reqtimeout     Limit time waiting for request from client
  --enable-ext-filter     external filter module
  --disable-include       Server Side Includes
  --disable-filter        Smart Filtering
  --enable-substitute     response content rewrite-like filtering
  --disable-charset-lite  character set translation
  --enable-charset-lite   character set translation
  --enable-deflate        Deflate transfer encoding support
  --enable-ldap           LDAP caching and connection pooling services
  --disable-log-config    logging configuration
  --enable-log-forensic   forensic logging
  --enable-logio          input and output logging
  --disable-env           clearing/setting of ENV vars
  --enable-mime-magic     automagically determining MIME type
  --enable-cern-meta      CERN-type meta files
  --enable-expires        Expires header control
  --enable-headers        HTTP header control
  --enable-ident          RFC 1413 identity check
  --enable-usertrack      user-session tracking
  --enable-unique-id      per-request unique ids
  --disable-setenvif      basing ENV vars on headers
  --disable-version       determining httpd version in config files
  --enable-proxy          Apache proxy module
  --enable-proxy-connect  Apache proxy CONNECT module
  --enable-proxy-ftp      Apache proxy FTP module
  --enable-proxy-http     Apache proxy HTTP module
  --enable-proxy-scgi     Apache proxy SCGI module
  --enable-proxy-ajp      Apache proxy AJP module
  --enable-proxy-balancer Apache proxy BALANCER module
  --enable-ssl            SSL/TLS support (mod_ssl)
  --enable-distcache      Select distcache support in mod_ssl
                          example optional hook exporter
                          example optional hook importer
                          example optional function importer
                          example optional function exporter
  --enable-static-support Build a statically linked version of the support
                          Build a statically linked version of htpasswd
                          Build a statically linked version of htdigest
                          Build a statically linked version of rotatelogs
                          Build a statically linked version of logresolve
  --enable-static-htdbm   Build a statically linked version of htdbm
  --enable-static-ab      Build a statically linked version of ab
                          Build a statically linked version of checkgid
                          Build a statically linked version of htcacheclean
                          Build a statically linked version of httxt2dbm
  --enable-http           HTTP protocol handling
  --disable-mime          mapping of file-extension to MIME
  --enable-dav            WebDAV protocol handling
  --disable-status        process/thread monitoring
  --disable-autoindex     directory listing
  --disable-asis          as-is filetypes
  --enable-info           server information
  --enable-suexec         set uid and gid for spawned processes
  --disable-cgid          CGI scripts
  --enable-cgi            CGI scripts
  --disable-cgi           CGI scripts
  --enable-cgid           CGI scripts
  --enable-dav-fs         DAV provider for the filesystem
  --enable-dav-lock       DAV provider for generic locking
  --enable-vhost-alias    mass virtual hosting module
  --disable-negotiation   content negotiation
  --disable-dir           directory request handling
  --enable-imagemap       server-side imagemaps
  --disable-actions       Action triggering on requests
  --enable-speling        correct common URL misspellings
  --disable-userdir       mapping of requests to user-specific directories
  --disable-alias         mapping of requests to different filesystem parts
  --enable-rewrite        rule based URL manipulation
  --enable-so             DSO capability
« Last Edit: October 12, 2014, 07:19:37 PM by Administrator »
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Re: Apache Compiler
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2014, 07:56:47 PM »
I hope you will release this version this week :)

Re: Apache Compiler
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2016, 10:17:26 AM »
Apache compiler doesn't remember my last compilation flags. I build my Apache with additional flags and every time I have to save them to external file or something like that :) Also after rebuilding Apache try to bind on port 80 - in my case I choose nginx proxy :)
“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?”
“That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” said the Cat.
“I don’t much care where–” said Alice.
“Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,” said the Cat.
Neo2SHYAlien's Blog

cwp-httpd PHP module requirements for PHP72
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2018, 02:06:36 PM »
Which php72 modules are required for cwp-httpd to perform/function properly? E.g will this suffice or am I missing something?

Code: [Select]
« Last Edit: February 14, 2018, 02:21:21 PM by n8v8r »

Re: Apache Compiler
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2018, 04:39:20 PM »
Which option has to be disabled when recompiling cwp-httpd to untie httpd from php, to be able to load particular php modules instead  ???

Re: Apache Compiler
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2018, 09:04:32 PM »
if I want to activate mod_brotli, what would it be like?

Re: Apache Compiler
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2018, 09:11:39 PM »

Re: Apache Compiler
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2018, 12:19:55 AM »
Thanks, I got it by doing it with nginx

Re: Apache Compiler
« Reply #8 on: August 16, 2022, 08:02:57 PM »
When can we expect to see 2.4.54 available for compilation?  2.4.54 was released 2 months ago on 2022-06-08

Re: Apache Compiler
« Reply #9 on: October 19, 2022, 08:03:57 PM »
When can we expect to see 2.4.54 available for compilation?  2.4.54 was released 2 months ago on 2022-06-08

Re: Apache Compiler
« Reply #10 on: October 20, 2022, 05:19:14 AM »
When can we expect to see 2.4.54 available for compilation?  2.4.54 was released 2 months ago on 2022-06-08


Re: Apache Compiler
« Reply #11 on: April 10, 2023, 04:18:35 PM »
We need a 2.4.56 option as all release below has critical security issues
and cwp-httpd.x86_64 2.4.56-1 required me to recompile Apache, but only option are still 2.4.52

Re: Apache Compiler
« Reply #12 on: April 11, 2023, 02:18:34 AM »
Current on CWP is:
Apache version: Apache/2.4.56

Re: Apache Compiler
« Reply #13 on: April 11, 2023, 07:14:52 AM »
Well I would hope so, but not on my setup, and many that use CWP enhanced features, I just rolled the update "cwp-httpd.x86_64 2.4.56-1" with needed Apache recompile as Apache would not start, so I am at back at Apache/2.4.54, but before rollback it was

Application Version
    Apache version: Apache/2.4.52
    PHP version: 8.1.16
    MySQL version: 10.11.2-MariaDB
    FTP version: 1.0.47

CWP preach that it has higher performance than other PANEL's, as it compile APP/Runtime/Middelware for the system it are installed on. Well that is the issue when these Compile Tools are not kept updated to support new releases.

In Apache Re-Build, latest release are "Apache 2.4.52 & suPHP 0.7.2", so that as High as CWP gets on compile.

Same issue we have with CWP and MYSQL or MariaDB, but at least there are guides how to FIX CWP implementation, and manually get it to a developer supported secure release.

Re: Apache Compiler - EOL
« Reply #14 on: April 11, 2023, 07:30:28 AM »
Apparently "Apache Builder (compiler)" are EOL, as when used you are back in 2021 branch, and you will have an very unsecure server.

After fixing CWP standard mod_security when upgrading from 2.4.54 to 2.4.56, I can now via YUM Manager reinstall Installed Packages "cwp-httpd.x86_64 2.4.56-1" & "cwp-suphp.x86_64 0.7.2-3", and now have Apache version: Apache/2.4.56 running.