Sure, this is what it looks like on the add a domain screen of the user login (This is a real domain pointed to the server): the processing...! will never resolve, the domain will get added. If you go to the user AutoSSL screen it will act normally at first, it will say Validating! iin the button next to your domain after you select your domain, and if you click install it will give the Success! notification, but, it will not have added an SSL and here there will be an error "Error_domainError_domain": the root SSL Certificates menu it will hang forever, never resolving "Installing please wait": I attempt to add a new user with a real domain that is pointed to the server and select generate AutoSSL at the bottom of the add a user page, it will get stuck at the blank page where it is processing the new user, however, unlike the other items where the end result is no effect happening, attempting to add a new user with AutoSSL enabled for the domain will cause the user account to fail to provision correctly with all kinds of issues, such as not being able to add domains, etc, and it will never complete adding the user. VS the expected behavior of, if AustoSSL fails the user is still provisioned but the SSL is not generated. The only real visible direct error is in the user AutoSSL page when it says Error_domainError_domain after attempting to generate an SSL.
As I said, this is a brand new installation from scratch, with CWP Pro, on Centos 7. Every action with auto SSL generation causes that action to hang without ever completing. I really need a solution.