Author Topic: Getting Module Error  (Read 2015 times)

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Getting Module Error
« on: May 18, 2022, 04:39:47 AM »
One of my CWP server is very strange. in the CWP user there is no menu for email forwarder, Email Filters, and Email Importers.
So, I try to access the direct page like this:

Code: [Select]
https://hostname:2083/cwp_11111/[user_cwp]/?module=forwarders_emailAnd it gave: You are not authorized to use this module (forwarders_email)- Contact Server Admin

IT also happens with email filter and email importer.
How to fix it and enable those module for CWP user? I cant find it at CWPPro Admin Panel.

we are web developer in Indonesia with address: Tatamedia Solusindo | web hosting with mutiple choices | discounted software store

Re: Getting Module Error
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2022, 06:06:24 AM »
Finally, I have found how to fix it.
If you have the same issue, just go to CWP Admin -> User Account -> Features, Themes, Language.
Seet at Feature Manager's tab. if you have your own package, just click on it, then you can show the enable module below it. Just check any module you need to show at your user.
we are web developer in Indonesia with address: Tatamedia Solusindo | web hosting with mutiple choices | discounted software store