Hi, I hope someone can help me
1. Does CWP have CPhulk like Cpanel? It basically blocks all Countries except for one configured country.
2. Also, How to prevent Bruteforce? I followed this tutorial:
https://wiki.centos-webpanel.com/csf-lfd-brute-force-protectionHowever, the IP address of the user that has been detected by CSF is not accurate. I think the IP is like changing every minute even without using VPN. Maybe because of the use of Cloudflare. Because if you register any domain, users can easily access the control panel without actually knowing the main hostname.
For example, if the hostname you set when installing the CWP is hostname.com, and if you or your panel's users register
https://testing.com in their control panel, they can easily add 2087 and 2083 ports to access the admin and user panel. e.g.
https://testing.com:2083 - user panel,
https://testing.com:2087 or
https://testing.com:2031- admin panel.
Are there also any ways to prevent that?
3. How to change the control panel ports: 2083, 2087, 2030, 2031 to something different? Thanks
I am new on CWP I just migrated from Cpanel yesterday. Thanks