i run this little script, it 'disables' auto updates, (via simply renaming the cron.php) ~ unfortunately you cant EDIT files much in CWP (bc of IONCUBE).
but i run this, and wait for updates to post, (it shows in the Panel that ones available still), and just run it (soon) after i verify its a good update.. via the forums.. i would caution, as mentioned before, auto update CWP is *very important*, as if you 'skip' them for a long time, it does *not* progress through versions.. ie; it will take you from whichever version you are on to the current version.. SKIPPING altogether some things that could break if you haven't kept up.. unlike Kernels, it doesnt 'STEP' you to the latest.. thus, why i still run updates, just not when CWP chooses. i can wait (usually up to 3 days). I also made a 'backup' of the original "cron.php" (cron.php_bu) just for sanity. the script just copies/moves it over to cron.php_ then back again, then runs the update..
just a word. here it is that i made.
feel free to change it. but it works well.
mv /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/admin/include/cron.php_ /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/admin/include/cron.php &&
echo "CWP AutoUpdate is now ON."
sleep 3
echo "Performing CWP Auto Update now."
sh /scripts/update_cwp &&
echo "Done. with CWP update."
sleep 2
echo "Turning Auto Update back OFF."
mv /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/admin/include/cron.php /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/admin/include/cron.php_ &&
echo "CWP Auto Update is now OFF again."
sleep 3
echo "Finished."
Hope this solves/helps some..
Again though, i cant stress enough, you *must* keep up on the updates.. at least within a couple/few days..
otherwise, yes, turning them OFF, waiting like a month or few.. Would most likely "break" your server...
so, just run it after checking here would be my advice.
It would be nice/great to have a complete! and UpToDate "CHANGELOG" POSTED/POPUP BEFORE updating though..
hopefully, sometime soon.