This happens to me, I have a server, Almalinux8, I want to migrate to another, I install Almalinux and I can't, it gives me an error (which I will indicate below), but on the other hand, if I install Almalinux8 on the new server, I don't have any problem in the migration, from what I deduce it is a matter of Almalinux9, since the only thing that varies with the new server is the operating system it installs.
This is the error:
[root@srv1 ~]# tail -50 /var/log/cwp/account_transfer.log
2024-06-26 11:41:28 export SSHPASS=************; /usr/bin/sshpass -e /usr/bin/ssh -p4444 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o LogLevel=quiet root@MYIPSERVER
2024-06-26 11:41:28 test -d /usr/local/cwp/ && echo 'true' || echo 'false'
2024-06-26 11:41:29 true
2024-06-26 11:41:29 /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: ERROR: Too many arguments. Expecting a target hostname, got:
Usage: /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id [-h|-?|-f|-n|-s] [-i [identity_file]] [-p port] [-F alternative ssh_config file] [[-o <ssh -o options>] ...] [user@]hostname
-f: force mode -- copy keys without trying to check if they are already installed
-n: dry run -- no keys are actually copied
-s: use sftp -- use sftp instead of executing remote-commands. Can be useful if the remote only allows sftp
-h|-?: print this help
2024-06-26 11:41:29 export SSHPASS=**********;/usr/bin/sshpass -e ssh-copy-id "-p 4444" root@MYIPSERVER -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no 2>&1
2024-06-26 11:41:29 /usr/bin/ssh -p 4444 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o LogLevel=quiet root@MYIPSERVER test -d /usr/local/cwp/ && echo 'true' || echo 'false' 2>&1
2024-06-26 11:41:29 false
[root@srv1 ~]#