Author Topic: CWP INSTALL without MARIADB as default  (Read 17847 times)

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CWP INSTALL without MARIADB as default
« on: March 16, 2017, 11:35:19 PM »
Iīve found out that new installations comes with mariadb as default... is there a way that we can do a fresh install WITHOUT MARIAdB? I'have a few costumers that are not pleased with this.. is there a step by step guide to install mysql instead of mariadb or is there a way to uninstall Mariadb and install mysql 5.6 instead?

Thanks in advance.



Re: CWP INSTALL without MARIADB as default
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2017, 03:25:31 PM »
For those who like me, needed CWP With Mysql and NOT Mariadb, I was able to do it, by using an "old" cwp-latest file that I had from a server Iīve installed 3 weeks ago.. Iīve just copied the file from the "old" server to the new one.. and It worked out.. unfortunatelly I donīt have cwp-latest for a CentOs 7.x  Does anybody?

It would be very appreciated if cwp would offer the option to install Mysql instead of Mariadb in Centos 6.x and Centos 7.x Just like they did for Mariadb before..

could it be possible?


Re: CWP INSTALL without MARIADB as default
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2017, 04:02:20 PM »
you can manually install mysql by removing mariadb

Re: CWP INSTALL without MARIADB as default
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2017, 04:42:47 PM »
hi Sandeep!

Iīve tried what was suggested in this topic.." CWP CentOS 7 installer with MySQL without MariaDB  (Read 201 times)"

but Iīve made a mess! cause I did same as erntesky...
"The following command uninstall the MariaDB, but made conflicts with MySQL installer:
Code: [Select]
yum remove MariaDB MariaDB-server

This command totaly delete the MariaDB but straight killed the server: (Removed other important thinks as well...)
Code: [Select]
yum remove MariaDB MariaDB-server MariaDB-common MariaDB-shared

How I have to uninstall properly / totally MariaDB?"

so, after that I had to reinstall server... if you can provide the steps to unistall maria properly would be great..


Re: CWP INSTALL without MARIADB as default
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2017, 11:06:13 AM »
you can manually install mysql by removing mariadb

Not compatible! , and may other errors in CWP version:  + MySQL 5.7

Re: CWP INSTALL without MARIADB as default
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2017, 08:20:20 PM »
you can manually install mysql by removing mariadb

Not compatible! , and may other errors in CWP version:  + MySQL 5.7


but where you able to install mysql 5.6 or 5.7 some how?


Re: CWP INSTALL without MARIADB as default
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2017, 10:44:14 AM »
you can manually install mysql by removing mariadb

Not compatible! , and may other errors in CWP version:  + MySQL 5.7
did you ran mysql upgrade command ?

Re: CWP INSTALL without MARIADB as default
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2017, 08:41:08 PM »
you can manually install mysql by removing mariadb

Not compatible! , and may other errors in CWP version:  + MySQL 5.7
did you ran mysql upgrade command ?

Hi, Sandeep.. Iīve installed latest cwp on a testing vps on AWS..just to try this..

Of course it installed MariaDB as default..once it finished and rebooted..I went again via ssh..

Then I ran yum remove MariaDb-*

it removed Mariadb server, client, etc from server..ok..

Then I've installed MySql in server.. after it finished, started the service..

after that, I enter "mysql_upgrade --upgrade-system-tables"..

once it finished that, I entered to the mysql console...

typed "SELECT COUNT(1) column_count FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema='mysql' AND table_name='user';"

I know I should have a 43 columns count.. but instead I got, 46.. the "extra" rows are the following...

mysql user is_role 44
mysql user default_role 45
mysql user max_statement_time 46

After seeing that.. I entered to CWP, and saw that pure-ftp has a sort of yellow moon icon..and it didnīt state that service was runnning.. only showed that icon.. so, I followed instructions to reinstall pure-ftpd server.. via ssh... once it finished.. went back to cwp,pure-ftpd has no longer that "moon Icon" and was up and running...  so I created a new account, (after created a package of course) set the password for that account...tried to access via FTP... "wrong user or password".. mmm tried again after changing users pass..same story... then I checked mysqld.log.. it showed that /usr/sbin/mysqld: column count of mysql.user is wrong expected 43, found 46 The table is probably corrupted...

So, I've figured that changing MariaDB to MySQL also affected CWP services..
Tried a couple of things.. like, removing mysql server again, reinstall it, then ran mysql upgrade but that didnīt fix the count column number, nor the pure-ftpd... so to make story short...

Although MariaDB was removed, and Mysql server installed in CWP latest version,and it was up and running... I kept having on mysqld.log those warnings mentioned above.. also I was not able to connect to pure-ftpd server with the user and pass of the account I made before.

So, is there a solution for this? in many topics it was suggested here that if we donīt want MariaDB, we can always uninstall it, and install Mysql instead.. though never thought I would have so much trouble with this..

Thanks for the help..