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Messages - itsallaboutthecloud

Pages: [1]
Installation / Re: Endless login
« on: January 19, 2024, 10:31:43 PM »
Thank you so much I can't believe I overcomplicated something so simple as suspending and non-suspending the account, problem solved. Thank you so much  :)

Installation / Endless login
« on: January 19, 2024, 05:41:18 PM »
I was sincerely hoping if someone could kindly provide me with some guidance or assistance regarding an issue I am currently facing. I am currently encountering some difficulties in identifying the root cause for this particular problem. It is entirely plausible that I may be either overlooking a simple solution or unnecessarily complicating matters. Despite going through the process of reinstalling the software, unfortunately, the issue still persists, and regrettably, I am unable to comprehend what might be going awry.

To ensure clarity, I am referring to the recent installation of CW7 pro, while also utilizing the billing platform known as Blesta. I have managed to successfully configure the API access key and achieved automation for all necessary processes. However, following the creation of a customer or user, depending on one's preferred terminology, an email is sent to the customer via the billing platform. This email is intended to provide them with the necessary logon details and relevant address information. During a test, after successfully logging in at the splash screen, the system redirects the user back to the login screen in a recurring cycle. I am currently unable to ascertain if there are any specific actions I need to undertake within CW7 pro in order to successfully complete the login process.

I kindly inquire if any individual has ever encountered a similar issue from the server side? Upon investigation, the account appears to be perfectly normal and operational so I genuinely do not know what may be causing this redirect. I have even attempted using several different browsers but unfortunately, the same issue persists. Would anyone please be able to offer any ideas or suggestions in this regard?

Installation / Re: Basic knowledge of Protecting ports
« on: December 21, 2023, 05:22:03 PM »
Thank you very much for your invaluable assistance. I sincerely apologize for my oversight regarding the rDNS configuration settings. Your support has been exceptionally valuable, and I am truly grateful for your time and expertise. Once again, I extend my heartfelt thanks, and I hope you have a delightful Christmas.

Installation / Basic knowledge of Protecting ports
« on: December 21, 2023, 02:25:17 PM »

I would appreciate it if someone could assist me by guiding me in the right direction. I have been utilizing the CWP control panel for approximately six months and I am extremely satisfied with its user-friendly interface and management capabilities.

However, I am currently facing a challenge regarding obtaining SSL certificates to cover login ports, such as 2031 and others. I am having difficulty locating the option or the ability to secure these ports. Could you please advise me on how to resolve this issue? It seems that everything works fine until I try to log into something and realize that the connection is not secure. I apologize if this is simply a mistake on my part during the setup process.

Thank you for your assistance.

SSL / SSL not protecting port
« on: December 13, 2023, 05:49:42 PM »

I would appreciate it if someone could assist me by guiding me in the right direction. I have been utilizing the CWP control panel for approximately six months and I am extremely satisfied with its user-friendly interface and management capabilities.

However, I am currently facing a challenge regarding obtaining SSL certificates to cover login ports, such as 2031 and others. I am having difficulty locating the option or the ability to secure these ports. Could you please advise me on how to resolve this issue? It seems that everything works fine until I try to log into something and realize that the connection is not secure. I apologize if this is simply a mistake on my part during the setup process.

Thank you for your assistance.

My dear friend, I cannot express how deeply grateful I am for your incredible support and guidance! I went ahead and did a complete fresh install of all software, and though I faced some challenges with great and strange results, your recommendations were truly valuable. I even tried something slightly different, and surprisingly, when I used PHP 8.1.2 fpm, it miraculously resolved the problem without you explicitly pointing it out. Your help saved me from nearly 36 hours of OCD-induced struggle, and with limited sleep, I might add!

Your expertise and kindness are truly commendable, and I can't thank you enough for your time and assistance. It's a relief to know that there are other skilled and generous individuals like you out there, willing to lend a helping hand in this vast wilderness of technology. Please forgive me if my words seem odd; I might be a bit delirious from the lack of sleep. Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for being so amazing and for providing me with the solution I needed. You're a true lifesaver, and I genuinely appreciate your support.

and now with that said I am going to bed lol at 00:54 where i may sleep for a week lol ( @Starburst ) your the best thank you

I'm in dire straits with this issue. I've done everything I can think of, and it's driving me to the brink of madness! I installed CWP on Centos, updated all repositories, and even upgraded PHP to version 8.1.0, ensuring all dependencies were in place. I didn't even bother with Iron Cube since it's not required, and I even tried manually creating directories, but still, I'm haunted by the same persistent message!

I went through the painstaking process of turning off error logging in the software, and I went to the lengths of disabling it in the PHP file as well. Yet, no matter what I do, the problem remains, mocking my every effort! I'm so desperate that I attempted the risky path of downgrading PHP to version 8.0 and then, out of sheer desperation, brought it back up to 8.1.0, all to no avail!

I've scoured the Open Cart forum, where someone else seemed to have the same issue, and I've mentioned it there too, but no one seems to have a solution. Is there anything, absolutely anything, that I might be overlooking? Please, if you have any inkling of what could be causing this torment, lend me your wisdom. I'm at my wits' end, banging my head against the wall in frustration. My sanity hangs in the balance, and I can't bear this fault any longer. Please, I'm imploring you, help me put an end to this nightmare!

Hi, thank you very much for your reply I truly appreciate your time, I've tried what you've recommended, but I'm still getting the same problem. I haven't even looked to try and find how to switch off error reporting in ste software setting and still get the same thing so i am thing its got to be cwp causing this in particular error and I have tried removing 8.o and 8.1 and reinstalling and updating and I still keep getting this particular message above. It always seems to display at the bottom of the website. I can't understand where this is coming from.

I have recently installed open cart on CWP how do I keep getting this error message off the bottom of the website shopping page but I don't know how to fix it. I've checked all the necessary items that need to be switched on in PHP but I keep getting this message. I've been at it for two days now can any one help me please its doing my head in

going mad i tells ya over this

Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'curl' (tried: /opt/alt/php80/usr/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20200930/curl (/opt/alt/php80/usr/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20200930/curl: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory), /opt/alt/php80/usr/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20200930/ (/opt/alt/php80/usr/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20200930/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)) in Unknown on line 0 

Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'gd' (tried: /opt/alt/php80/usr/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20200930/gd (/opt/alt/php80/usr/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20200930/gd: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory), /opt/alt/php80/usr/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20200930/ (/opt/alt/php80/usr/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20200930/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)) in Unknown on line 0 

Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'zip' (tried: /opt/alt/php80/usr/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20200930/zip (/opt/alt/php80/usr/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20200930/zip: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory), /opt/alt/php80/usr/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20200930/ (/opt/alt/php80/usr/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20200930/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)) in Unknown on line 0

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