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Topics - bobyrosagame

Pages: [1]
I logged to both my servers using CWP and I am getting this below on every item I click on to configure CWP.. I really don't want to upgrade or make changes.. How do I fix this or skip this?

High Performace WebServers Configuration
Welcome to new and advanced webservers configuration, we are now giving you the flexibility and performance unlike anything else.
- PHP-FPM Selector with the ability to run different version per domain or subdomain
- PHP-FPM with additional cache options for best performances
- Advanced WebServers, that allows you to run custom webservers with different setup per domain

WebServers Setup per domain
If you have enabled Nginx/Varnish/Apache as main webservers with PHP-FPM this allows you to have the highest flexibility.
You can define for each domain or subdomain what webservers to use, example:
- can run Nginx + PHP-FPM
- can run Nginx + Apache + PHP-FPM
- can run Nginx + Varnish + Apache + PHP-FPM
- can run Nginx + Varnish + Apache + PHP-CGI(suphp, current setup like before in cwp)
- can run Nginx + Varnish + Tomcat
- can run Nginx + Varnish + Ruby

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