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Topics - cexpert

Pages: [1]
Apache / client denied by server configuration
« on: August 13, 2021, 08:00:43 PM »
Since a few days I get this Forbidden error when accessing any links other than based on index.php with Front Accounting.

User password can be read in plain text from cwp_api.log
I beleive it may have been put there by the cpanel miration script, example line:
19-03-24 03:21:30 {domain:*main domain*,user:*username*,pass:*password*,email:*email*,inode:0,nproc:40,nofile:100,package:15,shell:null,ip:,backup:ON,ssl:null}

Isn't having user password stored in plain text in a log file a security issue?

Pages: [1]